Silver Sol – What is it and what are its benefits

Silver Sol

Silver Sol. The use of silver for medicinal purposes goes back centuries. Silver has many healing properties and today, through nanotechnology the creation of a better safer product is available for public use. Silver Sol is a patented new technology. A solution suspends silver in water and transforms that water into a powerful mixture that fights bacterial infections, and improves overall immunity.

For many years, the use of silver solution as an antibiotic treatment was very popular. American doctors prescribed liquid silver in its colloidal form until 1938. The introduction of antibiotics caused the popularity of using silver to decline. Today our society is faced with newer more life-threatening bacteria; that science is once more looking into Silver Sol as a solution to fight not only dangerous bacteria, but also as a daily solution for many ailments.Silver can kill all forms of fungi, molds, and viruses safely; there are no harmful side effects to Silver Sol if used correctly. Silver destroys bacteria and fights diseases; some of these are Malaria, Hepatitis C, MRSA, AIDS, SARS, the Flu, and the common cold. It is also an anti-inflammatory and an immune system enhancer. The use of Silver Sol is both internal and topical.

As a topical solution Silver Sol is used to treat burn victims; it repairs skin tissue faster. Topical uses of Silver Sol also include Acne, and Age Spots when treated with Silver Sol gel. Using it twice a day proved to reduce the size of damage in acne within one day. Total improvement takes about four weeks. Applying Silver Sol gel on age spots a few times a day reduces their appearance.  than ordinary medications. Silver Sol also mends abrasions, and improves healing time. An experiment in hospitals with elderly patients, who acquired MRSA, showed that when treated with Silver Sol, a typical wound closed within five weeks contrary to one year. This improved healing time could reduce the cost of treatments and average hospital stay by three times.

Utilizing Silver Sol products for feminine hygiene is proving to be very positive. The amazing ability of Silver Sol to eliminate molds, and fungi, bacteria, viruses and the rapid healing of topical wounds is helpful in resolving many female problems. Many women suffer from Bladder infections, taking an adult dosage of Silver Sol can eliminate the infection with in a few days. Consult a physician for treatment. The use on Silver Sol with Human Papilloma Virus and sexually transmitted disease like gonorrhea, chlamydia, and many others proved successful. The formula used as a douche diluted with water is effective in curing those viruses. There are other ailments associated with women benefited by the silver solution. Endometriosis, Fibromyalgia, vaginal odor, vaginal dryness, and yeast infections show relief very quickly.

Even thyroidal problems are alleviated by taking two teaspoons twice a day, or applying it directly to the throat area maintains optimal thyroid function. Silver Sol does not have any harmful side effects if used accurately . It is important to consult a medical care professional for the correct dosage.



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    • Jody Jones on April 29, 2013 at 5:41 pm

    I just had an ‘aha’ moment! I’ve been taking the Silver Sol twice a day for over two years now. Last year after having bloodwork, my doctor lowered my throid medication from .075 to .050. It shocked me as I had been taking .075 for 38 years! It didn’t dawn on me until reading this article, that the Silver Sol is the reason that I am now taking a lower dose! Praise God! The less made-made meds, the better, yes?
    Jody Jones

    • Marty on April 30, 2013 at 2:54 pm

    What’s the difference between Silver Sol and Colloidal Silver. I have been using Colloidal Silver for years with amazing results. Both for my family and our animals. One of my Labs had cancerous tumors on both eye lids. When she was young, our Vet removed them but told us they would probably come back. Ten years later they were back big time. They were growing up and covering most of the eyes. Our current Vet said she was too old for surgery, there was nothing he could do. We began putting 15 ppm silver on, twice a day. The tumors began shrinking giving her her sight back and although they never went completely away, she remained healthy until we had to put her down at 15. One of our horses got a deep cut on her leg, all the way to the bone. Normally this would need stitches, a drain and antibiotics. We began putting silver and Blue kote on twice daily. The wound started healing from the inside out and in less than a month she was fully healed. My family takes a couple of table spoons and squirt some up our noses when ever we come home from shopping. We haven’t had a winter virus since. For me, the silver has cured sinus infections twice, with no antibiotics. I will never be without C.S., it’s a wonder natural (non) drug.

    • BJ Dale on May 16, 2013 at 8:09 pm

    I recently, accidentally slammed the safe door closed on my hand,the back of my hand immediately turned blackwith bruising. with a deep puncture………. I grabbed for the SS spray, it is always close by…..sprayed it and kept sprayng it,,,,,,,,one week later it was healed including the bruising…..gone completely!!!!!!!!
    I am seventy years young…. a diabetic….. this could have been very serious……including amputation… SSol saved the day……. I use it for everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Pat on May 16, 2013 at 8:38 pm

    a question. I am on Femara to block cancer cells from forming, have had breast cancer 3 times and all removed, and under Dr’s care. They thought this product might interfere?
    I would like to take it, can you offer suggestions?

    • tansy mcneal on May 11, 2016 at 10:28 pm

    I have had cataract surgery years ago. Presently I saw the eye doctor who said my right eye was dry with mucus.. My left eye the surgery went wrong and my sight is fuzzy. He told me after the exam that I had a major case of floaters and with surgery my sight would improve. The doctor that was to do my surgery left town and now I don’t know what to do. I have been taking silver sol for approx. 1 month. I can’t tell any difference at this short of time. My main question is that I have been misting my eyes with silver sol will that help my vision in the right eye and will is help reduce the floaters in my left eye (which the doctor said it was the worse case he had ever seen). I would look forward to your thought and response on my situation. Thank you in advance. Tansy Mc Neal

      • Kathy D on June 3, 2016 at 2:31 pm

      tansy…I, too, have major floaters since cataract surgery 4-5 years ago. Do you spray the SS on your eye directly? I’ve read that we can do that. Thanks! Good luck to you, too

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