Yosemite Park Hiking Tips

Yosemite National Park HikingTipsGearing up to do some serious hiking in the stunningly beautiful Yosemite National Park? Before you lace up your hiking boots, do yourself a favor and check out the following tips to ensure you don’t get eaten by a bear, suffer heat exhaustion, or just have an unpleasant trip in general.

Avoid Wearing Cotton

Among the best Yosemite-Park-related hiking tips is to leave the cotton undies at home. What you want is polypropylene underwear and clothing, as they wick moisture away from the body rather than allowing it to stick to you and creating unsightly rashes.

Go For Waterproof Options

Planning on hiking a “mist trail”? Yosemite has a fabulous waterfall that makes the adjoining trail mist-tastic, so bring a raincoat and waterproof clothing if you wish to try this option.

Keep a Headlamp With You

One of your most essential pieces of hiking gear is your headlamp, whether hiking Yosemite or anywhere else. Even if hiking during the day, it’s still a good idea to have your headlamp with you.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Don’t ever leave for a hike without plenty of agua. The National Park Service recommends drinking at least one quart of water every hour to avoid dehydration and the unpleasantness that follows.

Don’t Leave Without Sunscreen

Remember to slather on the sunscreen unless you love the lobster look. Wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses while you’re at it, and bring a lip balm that contains sunblock. Your kisser can get burned too!

Bring the Insect Repellent

Yosemite is chock-full of mosquitoes, so bring whatever bug spray you favor and apply it every three to four hours.

Invest in Hiking Boots

If you don’t have hiking boots, now’s the time to invest. They provide the traction and support other shoes can’t match.

Another general hiking tip to keep in mind? Hike on established trails! Failure to do so could easily result in run-ins with the aforementioned bear among a slew of other problems.

Have you hiked Yosemite? Share your experience in the comments section!