Uncommon Uses of Household Salt

Household Uses of Salt

Uses of Salt. Salt is often known for being an added ingredient in our food and is primarily used for cooking your favorite dishes. However, household salt actually has a variety of ways it can be used besides add flavor things and preserving food for storage. For decades, many have used salt to solve common household problems. Some of these problems are often the cause of your frustrations. So what can household salt be used for?

Salt can be used to rid your wood tables or floors of any watermarks you may have from cups or spills. By taking one teaspoon of salt with a few drops of water, to create a paste like mixture, is then rubbed into the wood where the marks are. Household salt can also be used in a medical way when it comes to bug bites or poison ivy. Just soak the affected areas in salt water to reduce the swelling and the pain that comes with the bites. If you are being pestered by annoying insects like ants, sprinkle some salt down on the doorways or counter tops where the ants frequent. The salt actually keeps them away. Sometimes, cooking with grease could start a fire. Should a grease fire happen, pouring salt on the fire will extinguish it. The same goes for cooking meat on a grill where the flames get too high. If you have a hard time getting grease out of dish pans, try using salt to remove the grease. Before you start washing the pan, add some salt to it and then wipe it out with a cloth.

Household salt can also be used to test whether or not your eggs have gone bad. By adding one egg to a full cup of water with 2 teaspoons of salt, the egg that is bad will float while the good egg will sink. This is especially useful if you do not want to start mixing ingredients and then realize you have bad ingredients. Another useful way to use salt is on yourself. Household salt can be used to make your skin softer. If you don’t want to buy expensive lotions or bath additives, bathing with one cup of salt in your tub; you are sure to have softer skin.

There are literally hundreds of ways to use household salt for things other than cooking. If you are interested in spending little money or none at all to do some of the things that would otherwise require a quite a bit, then try using your regular household salt.