Types of Dangerous Plants


Whether you have a green thumb or can’t tell the difference between an Ohio Buckeye and a Virginia Creeper, it’s a good idea to have a working knowledge of poisonous plants. It’s an important survival skill to have should you find yourself lost in a wooded area, as it prevents ingesting the wrong thing and meeting the grim reaper.

Let’s check out a few of the most poisonous plants on Earth, shall we?Oleander pink


The oleander is a versatile shrub featuring large clusters of pink, yellow, white, or red blooms. Its leaves and branches are the poisonous parts, and cause serious digestive problems in addition to affecting the heart. It is also capable of killing you.


The foxglove has been described as a “magical” plant thanks to its lovely drooping purple, white or pink flowers. Capable of growing up to three feet, the plant, despite it’s magical looks, causes heart problems when consumed, no matter which part you eat. It also results in cramps, nausea, vomiting, mouth pain and diarrhea.

elephant earElephant Ear

This tropical plant features large greenish-black leaves that look like, you guessed it, elephant ears. As with the foxglove, all parts of this plant are poisonous. Consuming elephant ear results in severe burning of the mouth and tongue, as well as tongue swelling. If the tongue continues to swell, it can block the throat air passage and cause death.

lily of the valleyLily of the Valley

Lily of the valley plants are also called mayflowers and feature a pleasant scent. Blooms are small and white, and leaves are broad and green. Ingesting this plant results in nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, cramps, and mouth pain. It can also cause a slow or irregular heartbeat. All plant parts are poisonous.

Other dangerous plants to be avoided include iris, monkshood, yew and daffodil, among others.

Have you ever ingested a poisonous plant? Share your tale of horror in the comments section!