Types of Dangerous Lizards

Dangerous lizardsEven if you’re a big ol’ fan of reptiles, there’s a good number of them that could easily kill you. Whether through their venom or simply because they’re bigger and stronger than you, it’s important to know which lizards present the greatest threat if provoked.

Check out a few lizards to watch out for–in other words, don’t poke them with a stick:

Komodo Dragon

Found among the Indonesian islands of Padar, Gili Montang, Rinca, Flores, and (not shockingly) Komodo, the light-gray Komodo Dragon is the largest lizard currently in existence. Easily capable of growing up to 10 feet in length, their crazy size is attributed to island gigantism, or when certain species are much, much bigger than their mainland counterparts. In addition to killing you with their strength, Komodos have a venomous bite. And while only distantly related to dinosaurs, they do bear a resemblance.

Gila Monster

The largest  North American lizard, Gila Monsters live in New Mexico, Arizona, Mexico, and in the Sonoran, Mojave, and Chihuahuan deserts. About 2 feet long, Gilas are orange and black with stout bodies and stumpy tails, and are the only venomous lizard in the U.S. Their venom is highly toxic, and once they latch on, they chew and chew…and refuse to let go. Submerging the lizard in water is one of the only ways to get it the heck off you.

Malayan Water Monitor

The second-largest lizard in the world at nearly 10 feet, the Malayan Water Monitor lives in the deep swamps and rivers of Southeast Asia. It sort-of looks like the Komodo Dragon, though it has a skinner head and weighs about half as much at 150 pounds. Terrifying in part because of its backward-curving teeth, this lizard will also feed on dead (human) bodies. Ick.

Lace Monitor

This dangerous lizard reaches 2 to 3 1/2 feet, and is the second-biggest lizard in Australia. Its venomous bite is believed to affect blood pressure and clotting ability, and causes quick loss of consciousness and profuse bleeding. A black lizard with light-yellow bands from snout to tail, the Lace Monitor can weigh up to 44 pounds.

These are just some of the dangerous reptiles to educate yourself about! As with any wild animal, the farther you stay away, the better.

Have you had an encounter with a dangerous lizard? Share your tale of horror in the comments section!