Tick Bites: Symptoms and Treatment

tick preparednessIt’s not uncommon for the sight of a tick to strike fear in the hearts of even the most brave, as the arachnids carry a range of super-unpleasant diseases, including those that last until you die (hello, Lyme disease). In addition to familiarizing yourself with the various ticks that inhabit our world and the types of diseases they carry, it’s also essential to understand the signs of tick bites, and what to do if you are bitten. Check it out:


Ticks secrete a fluid when they bite that prevent you from feeling what’s happening unless you happen to be allergic. Bedbugs do the same thing, the little twits.  Tick bite symptoms don’t necessarily vary by arachnid, though which symptoms rear their ugly heads usually depends on the individual. Symptoms can include:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fever
  • Numbness
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Confusion
  • Weakness
  • Various rashes
  • Joint pain and swelling
  • Palpitations
  • Shortness of breath
  • Paralysis

The “bull’s eye” rash is common following a tick bite, and features a red welt where the tick bit you, and a red ring around said welt.

Related: Wilderness First Aid


If bitten by a tick, it’s important to remove the miniscule jerk as soon as you can. Wear gloves and grasp the tick with clean tweezers as close to your skin as possible to remove the head as well as the body. Never use a match to get the thing to back out, as this can cause it to regurgitate infected fluids into the wound. Not great. Save the tick in a container of alcohol to show your doctor.

Wash your hands and cleanse the bite with soap and warm water. Follow with a dose of rubbing alcohol to prevent infection, and see a doctor if you experience any of the above symptoms or think you were bitten by a deer tick, which carries Lyme disease. If the bite develops a lesion in the course of a month or signs of infection such as swelling or redness appear, see a doctor.

Were you ever bitten by a tick? Where were you and what was the result? Share your stories and tips in the comments section!