The Importance of Powdered Milk for Long Term Storage

powdered milkIn order to prepare for emergencies, it is always a good idea to have stocks of food for long term storage. One of the best items to have as part of that supply is powdered milk. Powdered milk, also called dry milk, has many everyday applications and uses for emergency food stuffs. The greatest benefit of powdered milk is that it can last for a long time if stored properly. An opened can will last anywhere from two to ten years.

Powdered milk or dry milk is different from the wet version in that it is pasteurized skim milk that has been concentrated in an evaporator. The milk is heated so that the moisture evaporates and leaves behind dry particles. Only half of the milk solid remains after going through this process. However, the milk still has a few essential vitamins and nutrients in it like Vitamin A and D. Look for these ingredients when looking for powdered milk in stores. Powdered milk also comes in two varieties: instant and non-instant. Instant can be utilized for milk immediately whereas non-instant has to be stirred and chilled before it can be used.

Powdered milk has many uses, especially as part of a long term supply of food. You can substitute it in recipes to make creams, whipped toppings, homemade yogurt, cottage cheese, and add it to instant hot chocolate. Away from the kitchen, powdered milk can be utilized for hygiene and beauty maintenance including shaving, treating insect bites, removing makeup, relieving sunburns, and more. In emergencies, when water and electricity services are typically interrupted, powdered milk has all kinds of uses including removing ink stains from clothes, polishing silver, and cleaning dirty hands.

In order for powdered milk to last a long time and be beneficial as a part of long term storage, it is critical to store it properly. An opened can of powdered milk that has had water in it will only last four or five days in the refrigerator. On the other hand, an opened can will last up to ten years in some cases. Be sure to keep your supplies of powdered milk in a cool, dry place. However, powdered milk should no longer be consumed if it is discolored and has an unpleasant smell. For long term storage in case of emergencies or food shortages, it is recommended to have 16 pounds of non-instant or 32 pounds of instant powdered milk for each person.

Overall, powdered milk is a handy resource that has many uses as part of a long term food supply as well as an emergency kit. Powdered milk can be added to many different types of recipes and items you have on hand for natural disasters and emergency situations. It is also important to remember that powdered milk has uses outside of the kitchen. Even if you do not like the taste, think twice about adding this important substance to your long term stores of food.
