Tag: wilderness survival

7 Ways To Use Leaves For Survival

In any survival situation, the key to staying alive is to make use of the resources around you. Depending on the specific circumstances, though, you might to have to rely only on what Mother Nature provides. The good news is that the Earth supplies leaves in abundance in many places of the world, and leaves …

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Sun Navigation Tips

Knowing where you are based on looking upward is a fantastic survival skill to have, and one that could easily keep you alive should you find yourself lost in the wilderness. Since the sun follows a consistent path, it makes a great navigation tool! Check out a few tips for learning sun navigation and never …

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Go it alone or in a group?

In hiking, camping, and preparing for an emergency, one of the questions that is asked is whether it is better to set off on your own, or find and stick with a group of fellow adventurers/refugees. If you have a family, the point is moot, at least as far as emergency preparation.  You will be …

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How to Survive a Bear Attack

How to Survive a Bear Attack. If you spend time out in the woods, chances are that you will run into wildlife. While most of these encounters are pleasant, some of them can turn deadly in an instant, especially in the case of bears. Bears are typically shy and try to avoid humans, but their behavior …

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Wilderness First Aid Certification

A large part of survival is knowing what to do when plans go wrong. So when an injury occurs to you or someone else around you, do you know what to do? Would you know how to treat common injuries or traumas so that you can help in an emergency medical situation? In order to …

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The Romance and Reality of Wilderness Survival

By Emily H. Surviving the wild is not what like TV shows Survivor and Lost may seem to look like: no reward challenges, no immunity, and most of the time there’s no conspiracy involved. In real life, many bad things can happen in the wilderness as it’s a hostile environment and things can easily go …

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A ‘SITREP’ From Capt. Bill

                                               “What Rattlesnake”? Over the past couple months I have been ‘MIA’ according to some of my friends and readers who have sent me emails inquiring as to my status. So I decided …

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Wilderness Water Purification

With the summer recreation season fast approaching, many people are already planning their camping, hiking, and backpacking excursions. One of the most critical elements of preparing for these trips is making sure that each person brings enough water to drink. The human body can only survive three to five days without water and less than …

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Gimme Shelter, or How I Learned to Shelter Safely Part 1: Shelter Site Selection

Whether you’re in an emergency survival situation or a planned one, having a shelter is more important than many people fully understand. A shelter can be anything from an abandoned house or building down to a lean-to built with tree branches. For the sake of this series we’re talking about the shelters you build yourself. …

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The Best Survival Adventure Books You Should Read

Noting is as gripping as the ability of humans to survive the harshest, most desperate of circumstances. Throughout the years, there have been several riveting stories of people surviving horrific endeavors, and each one of them leaves us more in awe of what humans are capable of, even in the face of death. If you …

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