Tag: survival tips

5 Survivor Traits That Make a Prepper Successful

It’s easy to prepare supplies, weapons, and training for impending disaster, but these will only get you so far. While doing more than just storing food in your basement is a great start, if you lack the traits that are inherent for some, and learned by most, all that prepping can be for nothing. While …

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Stay Put, Stay Alive

Did you know the majority of people stranded somewhere in the woods/jungle/desert/etc. are rescued within 72 hours? This means staying where you are is a great, great thing if you find yourself alone in the wild. Review what you need to do while awaiting rescue to help yourself as well as those looking for you. …

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Survival Tips From Animals

Survival skills are pretty darn important, and there’s much to be learned from the animal kingdom. Most animals have several very effective ways to protect themselves from predators, with methods ranging from the practical to the bizarre. Let’s check out a few of the many ways the animals in our world protect themselves from harm …

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EMP Attack Threats From Iran Discovered Military Manual Found In Tehran

The controversial Iran nuclear deal sparked weeks of heated debate. Now, another potentially deadly hidden secret has emerged from the rogue Middle Eastern nation. National security experts who claim to have read translated excerpts from an Iranian military manual have stated that an EMP attack against the United States has been in the planning stages …

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Sun Navigation Tips

Knowing where you are based on looking upward is a fantastic survival skill to have, and one that could easily keep you alive should you find yourself lost in the wilderness. Since the sun follows a consistent path, it makes a great navigation tool! Check out a few tips for learning sun navigation and never …

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Fire Preparedness: Survival Tips For When You Can’t Call The Fire Department

Brush fires, or wildfires, are one of the most dangerous types of blazes for firefighters to battle – and are especially dangerous when you can’t call the fire department. Fire preparedness is perhaps one of the most neglected aspects of preparedness. Fires can double in size approximately once every 30 seconds to a minute. Dry …

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