Tag: survival skills

DIY Water Filter

Water is essential to life, as we’re pretty darn screwed after only a few days without it. Clean water is often difficult to come by in emergency situations, making the ability to create your own filter an awesome survival skill to have.  There’s numerous options available for creating filters, but for our purposes we’ll go …

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7 Survival Tips Learned From The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead is one of the most popular post-apocalyptic shows ever seen on television, and while the gripping story focuses on the characters and their travels through the ruined world, there are some lessons to be learned by us along the way. Sure, not everything the characters do is spot-on correct for survival, and …

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What to Do in Case of a Snake Bite

Imagine hiking through the woods and suddenly feeling a sharp pain in one of your lower legs. You look down to see a snake slithering away and realize that you have just been bitten. Do you know what to do? Being bitten by a snake is a rare occurrence but out in the wilderness where …

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Survival Skills to Teach Your Children

Having a child in a dangerous situation is every parent’s nightmare. There might come a time, however, when your child will need to survive on his or her own before help arrives. This could happen if they get separated from the group they are with while hiking or camping. It might include having a parent …

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Prepper Quiz: What kind of “Prepper” are you?

So, what kind of a “prepper” are you? From not one at all to ghilly suits for the whole family, our preparations for emergencies run the gamut. So let’s take a look and see where you fall. There are really not right and wrong answers, and I realize some categories, especially firearms, might be sensitive …

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Survival skills you can have fun practicing

Hunker down folks, Armageddon is coming!  Howling hurricanes, terrible tornados, devastating earthquakes, not to mention the collapse of civilization if the Democrats (or Republicans, depending on your political bent) win the next election.  Meanwhile, you are just trying to get through to your next paycheck, worrying about how fast the mileage is stacking up on …

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Survival Training Class Options

Want to sharpen your survival skills? There’s classes you can take to do that. Yes, actual classes. Opt for super-specific classes that teach useful skills should you ever find yourself stranded, well, anywhere, as well as survival training classes. Let’s take a look at a few options, hmm? Knife-Making Classes Okay, you won’t exactly have …

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A ‘SITREP’ From Capt. Bill

                                               “What Rattlesnake”? Over the past couple months I have been ‘MIA’ according to some of my friends and readers who have sent me emails inquiring as to my status. So I decided …

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“Zombie Apocalypse”: What’s With The Fascination?

Ah, the zombie apocalypse. This concept has pervaded American culture for decades, arguably beginning with the classic 1968 horror flick Night of the Living Dead and plenty of movies after that, including Dawn of the Dead and more comedic takes such as Shaun of the Dead and Warm Bodies. AMC’s The Walking Dead remains insanely …

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Survival Skills: Using Your Clothes as Flotation Devices

Survival Skills: Staying afloat is a must when your boat sinks. But the clothes on your back can be just the life preserver you need. The first rule is to stay calm at all times. Panic can cause death in an instant. Take several minutes to tread water as you calm yourself down and assess …

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