Tag: survival plan

Keeping PACE with Your Survival Plan

Throughout our lives we use acronyms to learn and remember a variety of things. From NASA to AWOL to SEALs, we certainly do love our acronyms. When it comes to survival there’s a wealth of acronyms to help you be as prepared as possible. Take, for example, PACE. Typically pace is a word that’s more …

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The Romance and Reality of Wilderness Survival

By Emily H. Surviving the wild is not what like TV shows Survivor and Lost may seem to look like: no reward challenges, no immunity, and most of the time there’s no conspiracy involved. In real life, many bad things can happen in the wilderness as it’s a hostile environment and things can easily go …

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The Importance of Light Discipline

Imagine this: A major disaster has struck the United States/world and you’ve implemented your survival plan. You know how to start fires, use solar power to run lights and small electronics, and finally cracked open those emergency food stores. Things are going great. But as you probably imagine, things aren’t going great for a lot …

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Self-Reliance Tips: What You Should Know Before Making A Lifestyle Change

Living off the grid or making the decision to live more self-reliant existence in a rural area takes planning, lots and lots of planning. As with all things worth doing, embarking on a self-reliant lifestyle should start with a solid foundation, and some homework. The best self-reliance tips involve both research and education. Developing a …

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