Tag: SHTF strategy

Fear and Prepping

What’re you afraid of? If you’ve ever talked about prepping to someone not of the same mindset when it comes to preparedness this is a question you’ve surely been asked at least once. It’s hard for many people to see why you’d be worried about disaster when things are going great. Instead of being seen …

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ATF Planning For Grid-Down Disaster?

Guess what? The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (‘ATF’) has their own version of a Disaster Preparedness plan, or as Preppers say; a plan for when the excrement hits the fan (‘SHTF’). I don’t intend any disrespect towards the ATF, but, as I read their ‘plan’ it’s clear that they are trying to …

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The Importance of Light Discipline

Imagine this: A major disaster has struck the United States/world and you’ve implemented your survival plan. You know how to start fires, use solar power to run lights and small electronics, and finally cracked open those emergency food stores. Things are going great. But as you probably imagine, things aren’t going great for a lot …

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