Tag: honeybees

Superweeds And Self-Pollinating Peach Tree Threats To The Food Supply?

Superweeds spawned by genetically modified practices by industrial farms, small family farms, and backyard growers, continue to threaten our food supply safety and security. Both organic growers and those concerned about food security will be dismayed to learn that stronger chemical herbicides are being introduced to combat the hard-to-kill gigantic weeds which have been plaguing …

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Fruit Prices Expected To Take Big Hike Due To Continued Honeybee Decline

Milk prices may be at an all-time low but fruit and almond prices are expected to increase substantially due to another season of honeybee population decreases. Ordering bees to pollinate crops and to start new hives for honey-making is even more difficult this year than last. “It’s been stated that every third bite of food …

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Honey Prices Soar As Colony Collapse Disorder Worsens And The Bee Population Declines

Honey prices in the United States have risen by more than 13 percent. In January 2014 the price was $9,722 per ton, but a decline in yield per bee colony and higher demand pushed the price in January 2015 to $11,023 per ton. Honey production in America has reportedly been on the decline since 2013. …

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Glyphosate Resistance Is Posing Major Obstacle For Farmers

  GMO crops and chemical pesticides and herbicides have become commonplace in American agriculture. The search to garner non-GMO or heirloom seeds can be a lengthy one for both backyard gardeners and professional farmers alike. As with antibiotics, alcohol, and drugs, weeds can build up a tolerance and resistance to substances much in the same …

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Saving The Bees Should Be Important To Anyone Who Needs To Eat To Survive

The honeybee population has been experiencing 30 percent declines since 2005. If the little pollinators vanish form the face of the Earth, the human race is not far behind. About every third bite of food we shovel onto our forks was pollinated by a honeybee. Colony collapse disorder has been studied by scientists from around …

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