Tag: glyphosate

GMO Grass Coming To A Backyard Near You

  Genetically engineered grass is currently being developed by Scotts and Monsanto. The produce skirted by government testing mandates and could soon be contaminating an organic farm or public park near you. The first variety of is GMO grass Scotts Roundup Ready Kentucky Bluegrass. The genetically modified grass was designed to withstand “massive amounts” of …

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Glyphosate Resistance Is Posing Major Obstacle For Farmers

  GMO crops and chemical pesticides and herbicides have become commonplace in American agriculture. The search to garner non-GMO or heirloom seeds can be a lengthy one for both backyard gardeners and professional farmers alike. As with antibiotics, alcohol, and drugs, weeds can build up a tolerance and resistance to substances much in the same …

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Survival Gardening: The Role Weeds Play In The Growing And Camo Process [Rick Austin Interview]

Weeds are bad for our farms and gardens and we should pull them, right? Wrong. Permaculture expert and Secret Garden of Survival author Rick Austin is nationally renowned for his agriculture skills and insights. Austin left the corporate world behind to live off the grid in North Carolina several years back. Rick has traveled across …

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