Tag: freeze dried food

The Different Types of Food Storage

When it comes to getting ready for an emergency, nothing says preparedness like food storage. Setting aside food stuffs for use in the event of a natural disaster or crisis is a wise choice. But getting started can be overwhelming with the many different kinds of food storage items out there. How do you choose …

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5 Tips to Put Your Bug Out Bag on a Diet

Packing a solid Bug Out Bag (BOB) is an important task, you want to make sure you have everything you need while keeping everything within a single bag for easy carrying and escape. It’s all too common to pack a BOB when you’re at home and not use it until necessary. While you might be …

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Emergency Food Storage Tips

When the SHTF the last thing you want to worry about is where you’re going to get your food. As Hurricane Katrina proved, the government and FEMA can’t be relied upon to save you in time of emergency, so it’s up to you to keep yourself and/or your family fed for as long as it …

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Field Test of Freeze Dried Food

Last weekend, I took the chance to get up into the local hills for an overnight snow camp and snowshoe hike. Most people think I’m nuts to forsake a perfectly good bed for the chance to curl up in a small tent pitched on top of several feet of snow, but I enjoy tremendously getting …

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Spicing Up Your Emergency Food Storage Supply

Food Storage Tips: Whether we are storing food for long term disasters, or, a short term power outage, you need to be prepared with a handy food supply. Eating from emergency food storage supplies can be pretty boring. It’s bad enough the electricity is off, but we don’t have to turn off our taste buds while …

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Freeze Dried Foods For Your Emergency Food Supply Kit

Freeze Dried Foods: My grandmother always said “Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without!” Her self-reliant spirit preserved and empowered our family over the years. When the imaginable crises or unthinkable event happened she was not only prepared, but willing and able to survive in any unusual circumstance. Technology can …

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An Introduction to Emergency Food Storage

  What Is Emergency Food Storage? In the Western world, having regular access to food and drinking water is taken for granted. If your access to food and drinking water was interrupted for any amount of time, what would you do? Having a plan will ensure your survival and comfort, and the time to be …

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