Tag: first-aid kit

Why You Definitely Want Superglue in Your Survival Kit

Flashlight, canned goods, Swiss Army knives and superglue? You may not think the adhesive belongs in your survival or bug-out kit, but it does. It really, really does. Whether you use the name-brand stuff or some other knock-off, this ultra adhesive is a welcome addition to any survival kit. Let’s find out why, shall we? …

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Summer Survival Skills – It’s A Great Time To Practice Your Preps!

Summer is not only a time for BBQs, baseball games, and trips to the beach. The most glorious months of the year are also a perfect time to practice your preps. Getting the entire family involved in SHTF drills and enhancing your physical readiness can be both a fun and potentially life-saving endeavor. Prepping isn’t …

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7 Bug Out Bag Essentials

Bug Out Bags are far more common than you may think. If you’ve ever had a pregnancy in your house, you know that when it starts getting close to the baby being born momma usually keeps an overnight bag next to the front door so it’s easy to grab and run. This is, technically, a …

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12 Items Every Prepper Should Have in Their Car

The things you keep in your car or truck can do more than just clutter up an otherwise clean and tidy ride, they can actually save your life. The idea of keeping a Get Home Bag is one you need to institute for your car or truck now, but what do you need outside of …

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Time to tweak your car emergency kit for colder weather.

Every year about this time, I take an hour or two on a Saturday, before the college football games start, mosey out my cars, and take a few minutes to perform a few adjustments on the emergency kits in the trunk.  It’s not a bad time of year to do it, and while your “tweaks” …

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Wilderness First Aid Certification

A large part of survival is knowing what to do when plans go wrong. So when an injury occurs to you or someone else around you, do you know what to do? Would you know how to treat common injuries or traumas so that you can help in an emergency medical situation? In order to …

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12 Bug Out Bag Items You Might Not Know About

There are more than enough posts out there that mean to tell you exactly how to pack your bug out bag, and while these are fine, there’s something personal about what you pack in your own bag, and how you do it. This is the reason why instead of telling you exactly what to carry …

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Five not so weird tricks to use before you get a bugout bag.

Five not so weird tricks to use before you get a bugout bag. First of all, I am not against having a 72 hour kit that you can grab and go with. Every family should have one, preferably every family member. But I run into a lot of people who think that emergency preparation starts …

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Live to Fight Another Day: Basics of Survival Medicine Part 2: Medical Emergencies

Even under the best conditions medical emergencies come up. That’s pretty much the reason emergency rooms and urgent care exist. In a survival situation these medical emergencies will be greater and your ability to care for them will be greatly diminished. While there are quite a few first-aid guides out there, the three major medical …

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First Aid: How to Treat a Burn While Camping

How to Treat a Burn. Camping is still considered by many to be one of the greatest of all American pastimes, from roasting marshmallows over a crackling fire to grilling hot dogs and hamburgers on a sizzling metal skillet, camping is truly the sport of kings. Receiving a painful burn while camping however, can put a …

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