Tag: Financial Survival

3 Ways to Become Financially Prepared When You’re Young

If you’re young and in high school or college right now, it’s very likely that you haven’t had to think too much about being financially savvy or prepared. In fact, you may be looking at hefty student loans or other financial decisions that could affect your entire future. However, don’t fret because starting a budget …

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Financial Survival: Tips to Save Money

Saving money can be difficult, especially in a down economy or if you have recently suffered the loss of an income. When you want to save money and increase the amount you have available to spend, there are various tips and tricks available to help. Saving money is possible by assessing your own situation and …

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Cheap by Choice: When Frugality Means Freedom

By Daisy Luther orginally posted on theorganicprepper.ca and shared on survivallife.com I suffered some great financial losses back in 2010. I lost my house, my car, and my business.  We had been living frugally in comparison to many people,  but not frugally enough to counteract that personal economic disaster. Looking back, I’m not sure if …

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Financial Survival: Feel the Benefit of Your Tax Return All Year Long

What to do with your tax refund. Sometimes it is hard to save your income tax money or to spend it on things that will really matter. With a little thought and planning, you can use your tax refund to paint a brighter financial picture for your family and also get the things you want. …

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