Tag: emergency situation

Prepping Effectively in an Urban Environment

The chances are pretty high that if you’re reading this you don’t live on a pristine prepper compound with a year or more of food and supplies saved up. If you are, then kudos to you — you’re living the prepper dream. The rest of us, however, have to find a way to fit prepping …

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Evacuating in a Major Urban Area

Major urban areas around the world contain the majority of the population, yet these centers of civilization are also the most vulnerable in times of disaster. The chaotic evacuation of New Orleans because of Hurricane Katrina back in 2005 demonstrated that many major urban areas lack sufficient evacuation procedures. Many residents were abandoned without basic …

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Emergency Food Storage Tips

When the SHTF the last thing you want to worry about is where you’re going to get your food. As Hurricane Katrina proved, the government and FEMA can’t be relied upon to save you in time of emergency, so it’s up to you to keep yourself and/or your family fed for as long as it …

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