Tag: disaster preparedness

5 Easy Preps for Those Inevitable (and dangerous) Power Outages

While power failures can happen at any time of the year, the most dangerous time for one is when it’s cold and snowy outside. What is an inconvenience in the summer could easily kill in the winter. Freezing temperatures and roads that can be difficult for repair vehicles to travel on add up to longer …

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Putting Your Life Together Again After Disaster Strikes

Having life disrupted by a natural disaster or emergency situation can be a traumatic experience for anyone. After all, catastrophe often strikes out of the blue. It is important to know what to do after an emergency happens. That way you can get on with your life as soon as possible and establish a sense …

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Evacuating in a Major Urban Area

Major urban areas around the world contain the majority of the population, yet these centers of civilization are also the most vulnerable in times of disaster. The chaotic evacuation of New Orleans because of Hurricane Katrina back in 2005 demonstrated that many major urban areas lack sufficient evacuation procedures. Many residents were abandoned without basic …

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The Myths Around ‘Preppers’ & Disaster Preparedness

  We live in a world where civilization, reason and logic are said to be at historic heights, yet so many people today, especially our youth, are making new lows in relevant intelligence and labor under a host of myths and illusions. A few of the myths and misconceptions relate to disaster preparedness and ‘Preppers’. …

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With the start of the new-year, there always seem to be several articles that come out promoting guns as part of a preparedness solution. And it’s an unfortunate fact that firearms have become almost synonymous with Preppers and disaster preparedness. I will explain why that is truly unfortunate… Sadly, thanks largely to movies and bloggers …

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Transportation During A Grid-Down Disaster

Most of us have read or seen the recent headlines where various government agencies have warned that the United States is under a serious threat for a devastating cyber-attack capable of bringing down the entire national electrical grid, as well as most of the related supply-chain infrastructure. For those readers who may be new to …

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Convert Your ‘Pavement Queen’ RV Into A Mean Off-Road Prepper Machine Part Two WATER SUPPLY

Convert Your ‘Pavement Queen’ RV Into A Mean Off-Road Prepper Machine By: William E. Simpson © 2014 All Rights Reserved  Part Two  WATER SUPPLY    It’s a big mistake to just assume that the water coming-out of a tap or hose is suitable for you, your family and friends to drink! Not everyone realizes how …

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Disaster Preparedness Overload

If you’re busy ‘living’ your life, it’s impossible to read the thousands of articles about disaster preparedness. And the truth be known, I think we all get weary of reading the constant debates over how many cans or bags of beans we need to stockpile, or which survival knife is best, or which backpack is …

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Is It Time To Get Out Of The City?

It seems that with almost every passing day there is news of great concern. The U.S. monetary situation is among the top worries of many critical thinkers. Of course as many readers realize, there are numerous other scenarios that might materialize and create a situation that would make living in large congested cities untenable, and …

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Emergency Preparedness: How to prepare for a hurricane

Emergency Preparedness. As hurricane season approaches, everyone who lives in the paths of these terrible, potential life threatening acts of nature, should review how prepared they are for disaster. Anyone who lives in the path of hurricanes knows what can happen, and what needs to be done to be ready for whatever destruction and disruption …

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