Tag: camping essentials

Camping or evacuating with kids Part 2

Whether you are bundling up the family for a fun weekend in the mountains, or frantically grabbing your bugout  bag and a few irreplaceable possessions as the fireman is hollering at the entire street to evacuate NOW,  if you have children, there is an additional layer of worry: Keeping them safe from the dangers both …

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Setting Up a Camp Kitchen

With summer just around the corner, many of us will be heading outdoors for camping trips. In general, when we refer to camping, it usually means car camping. Car camping is when we pack our necessary gear in our vehicles, drive to the camp site, and basically live out of our cars for the duration …

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5 Skills You Should Have For Camping Trips

1. Understanding Your Surroundings Being aware of your surroundings should be a number one priority for you on any camping trip. That means being careful with leaving food and supplies out as well as knowing what to pack for the trip. You should be alert for animals and any other wildlife. Leaving food out is …

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