Tag: bugging out

6 Reasons Why a Motorcycle is the Best Bug-Out Vehicle

When it comes to preparedness planning there is a choice between staying or leaving (bugging out). Ideally we would all like to stay in our homes in disaster situation. It is easier and I think preferred but when that isn’t feasible having an effective and reliable bug-out vehicle. 6 Reasons Why a Motorcycle is the …

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Prepper New Year’s Resolutions

The old saying goes, “New year, new you,” and while few of us actually stick to any of the resolutions we make for the new year, that might be because we’re not setting ones that are important. Losing weight, getting into shape, and reading more are all common resolutions and are probably the ones most …

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5 Essential Tips For Your First Bug Out Vehicle

It’s time you up your survival game. Sure, you probably have a bug out plan and a bug out bag, but why walk when you can drive? Having a car or truck especially prepared for “getting out of Dodge” (GOOD) isn’t only a good idea, it’s vital for any solid bug out plan. Nothing can replace …

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7 Reasons Why Bugging Out is a Bad Idea

If you’re reading this, chances are you have a bug out bag ready and waiting for the STHTF. It’s probably packed with just about everything you need to pick up and run with, and while it’s a definite necessity to have a bug out bag of your own, bugging out under most circumstances is, for …

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How a Backpacking Trip Can Prepare You for Bugging Out

Bugging out is something we talk about often, but just as often the true meaning behind bugging out is forgotten. Bugging out isn’t a mythical mass egress from your house, but instead it’s simply the act of leaving where you are for someplace safer. More likely than not, the result of bugging out will be …

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Getting outta Dodge

Getting outta Dodge-what to do when you need to leave. We have all seen this picture, or ones like it: A major city is in the path of a hurricane, or wildfire, or some other disaster, and the call goes out to evacuate the city, and chaos ensues. Our transportaton grid just isn’t designed to …

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