Tag: american red cross


Over the past few months, I have heard the Red Cross in Southern Oregon providing ‘advice’ to radio listeners on one or more radio stations. In the radio announcement, they are providing preparedness information about the predicted 9+ earthquake that occurs off the Northern California-Oregon coast every 300-350 years, and is expected to hit anytime …

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EPA Fine Threats Over Clean Water Act Renew Agenda 21 Debate

EPA fine threats levied against small farmers, ranchers, and typical Americans seeking to build a pond in their own backyard have prompted a renewed debate over Agenda 21. A recent Huffington Post report referred to those concerned about the United Nations biodiversity program as conspiracy theorists, but the evolving eminent domain seizures, public land restrictions, …

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What Every Household First Aid Kit Needs

The one guarantee in life is that accidents happen and usually at the worst possible time. Since preventing an emergency is impossible, the next best thing is to be prepared. Every home needs a first aid kit and most people have no idea what to put in one. One solution is to buy a premade …

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