Survival Courses: Education That Can Save Your Life

survival coursesAre you new to survival and the outdoors? Perhaps a seasoned explorer and survivalist? Somewhere in between? Whatever your skill level is, you can benefit from taking survival classes. Available in most parts of the country as well as online, through private schools, outdoor sport retailers, and government agencies, paid and free, there are many options when considering enrolling in survival classes. Learning from a professional is always the best way to guarantee accurate training and that you receive useful knowledge that may save your life someday.

The topics of survival classes vary from general education to very specific knowledge such as wilderness first aid, avalanche classes, edible plant and insect classes, and tracking and hunting courses. Depending on your experience level and interest, it is important to choose a class that is geared towards what you are intending to learn. The overwhelming number of survival courses offered can make it difficult to choose, but don’t sell yourself short and waste time and/or money on a class that is below your skill level.
You can take a course to obtain knowledge and training and you can also become certified on a number of survival skills. There are even courses available in which you can learn to be and become certified as a survival course instructor. Make sure you do thorough research into the courses’ content, location, duration, and price before making a final decision.
There are number of free survival training courses you can enroll in or participate in right from your home. Most states and even some cities and counties offer free survival courses. Once a month, for example, the Massachusetts Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs and the Massachusetts Hunter Education Program host a free course entitled “Map, Compass, and Survival.” This course is free to the public and an all day affair, running from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. If you are interested in participating in a free survival course offered by your state or city government, be sure to call and register as spaces are limited and these classes tend to fill up pretty rapidly.
You can also participate in free online courses to hone your survival skills. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) offers a number of free online survival courses for those who qualify. These classes cover a wide variety of survival topics, from animal, pet, and livestock preparedness to community, organization, and leadership preparation. These free online courses can be taken from the comfort of your home and offer enough options that everyone should be able to find something to suit their interests and skill level.
Major outdoor sport retailers often provide community courses on survival and the outdoors. Recreation Equipment Inc. (REI), Eastern Mountain Sports (EMS), as well as other retailers often offer classes throughout the year, although some classes do cost something. Often stores like this will offer discounts to members, and the topics are generally a bit more basic. Check your local outdoor retailer for scheduling and pricing.
Private Institutions
There are many private schools that offer a vast array of survival courses and certifications. These can be pricey, and range from one-day courses to semester-long or even year-long classes. When doing your research, be sure that the institution is accredited and reputable. Inquire about discounts and financial aid, and always be sure to take courses that are within your capabilities (for example, if you’re new to survival you may want to start with a basic day-long course rather than a month-long learning expedition). Classes should be available in your area and around the country. Always take travel accommodations into consideration when thinking about a school that is not in your area.
Survival courses are a great way to learn new skills or increase your abilities and knowledge. Even the most experienced prepper can benefit from learning wilderness first aid or how to properly read a topographical map. Preparing yourself through education is equally as important as having a survival kit or bug-out bag. Help yourself and help others by learning proper skills and techniques from instructors who have mastered these skills.