Stay Put, Stay Alive

What to do if you are lost when hikingDid you know the majority of people stranded somewhere in the woods/jungle/desert/etc. are rescued within 72 hours? This means staying where you are is a great, great thing if you find yourself alone in the wild. Review what you need to do while awaiting rescue to help yourself as well as those looking for you.

Don’t Panic

To quote The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, don’t panic. Panicking will not help you in any way; it simply leaves you upset and likely a bit dehydrated from hyperventilating. Take a few deep breaths, tell yourself that you’re making the best of the situation until you get rescued, and remind yourself you have the survival skills necessary to remain alive in the wild for a day or three.

Build a Fire

Building a fire is the key to warmth, keeping large predators away, and letting rescue teams know where you are. There are’s numerous options for making fire in the wilderness without matches or lighters; however, if you have such items with you, you’re already one step ahead. Place green vegetation on top of the fire to create smoke and alert people to your location.

Use Reflective Materials

Reflective materials such as mirrors, metal, and anything else that sunlight bounces off of is another way to alert rescue teams to your whereabouts without having to move an inch.

Make Noise

Whether using whistles, pieces of metal, or your own voice, making noise is also key in letting people know where you are. This doesn’t mean you should scream your head off within the first 20 minutes and lose your voice, but any noise you can make will help your cause. As with fire, it will also keep animals away, as our four-legged friends tend to steer clear of loud noises.

Remember, save your energy and avoid dehydration by staying where you are.

Have you ever been stranded somewhere in the wild? What did you do to let rescuers know where you were?

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    • MSOMI on July 1, 2016 at 7:04 am

    Very informative. THANKS

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