Setting Up a Camp Kitchen

Camping KitchenWith summer just around the corner, many of us will be heading outdoors for camping trips. In general, when we refer to camping, it usually means car camping. Car camping is when we pack our necessary gear in our vehicles, drive to the camp site, and basically live out of our cars for the duration of the trip. This kind of camping is distinguished from backpacking in which all our gear is carried with us in a pack. Car camping is normally limited to designated camping areas but many people are able to get off the beaten path depending on the capabilities of their vehicles.

Of course, for you and your friends and family, planning what to eat is an important part of any camping trip. It helps to have an idea beforehand of what you want to eat so you can buy all the food you will need and gather all the necessary supplies to set up your camping kitchen. Since car camping means storing most if not all of your gear in your vehicle, a kitchen can be established in a designated area of your camp site. Many people even bring along their own camp kitchen organizer that has shelves for placing food and utensils as well as a place to put an outdoor cooking stove.

The good news is that your camp kitchen can be customized to suit your own personal preferences and cooking needs. Some of the items you might consider bringing for your camp kitchen include:

– Cooking stove and fuel
– Matches or lighter
– Mess Kits
– Cooking pots and pans
– Utensils (knives, forks, spoons, or sporks)
– Bottle opener
– Can opener
– Items to help cook food (spatula, large spoons, whisks, etc.)
– Plates and cups
– Trash bags
– Table cloth
– Coolers
– Recipes
– Pot scrubber
– Paper towels or napkins
– Portable coffee maker

Different people will have different camping styles depending on what kind of food they like to eat. Some are happy with bringing along hamburgers, hot dogs, and canned food. Others enjoy going all out with steaks, pasta, and so forth. Just remember that the more complex your recipes are, the more planning is required. For example, if you intend to have s’mores or roasted marshmallows, be sure to bring marshmallow sticks or fashion some of your own. There is also the possibility of bringing along prepared food stuffs like freeze dried food, MREs, and the like that cut down on how much cooking gear you need.

Moreover, it always helps to bring an emergency supply of food and camping gear. You never know what can happen when you get away from civilization and head into the great outdoors. Vehicles break down, wild animals attack, and people get lost. All kinds of disasters can still strike and you might need extra food, water, and other supplies such as waterproof matches and a multi-tool. It is also a good idea to bring along supplies to repair broken down camping gear like Duct tape and rope. Enjoy the summer camping season and remember to be prepared.