Safe Traveling Tips

tips for traveling safelyTraveling to a new location can be an awesome way to relax and get away from the daily grind. Regardless of if you are traveling alone or in a group, there are a few safety tips to keep in mind to help you make the most of your stay.

1. Always Plan Ahead

The first thing you should do when planning a trip is make sure you have all necessary travel paperwork and vaccines to successfully get to and from your chosen travel destination. If you’re traveling abroad, check the medical requirements before going on your trip. Also, be sure you have all the necessary paperwork to be admitted to the country you are visiting. I remember when we moved to Grenada, we had to have a ton of paperwork not only for us but for our dog too! Without proper planning, we would have been very much out of luck!

2. Secure Your Home

Before you go on your trip, be sure to let someone know where you’ll be, how to get a hold of you, and when you expect to return from your trip. That way, you know if anything goes wrong at home, and if you were to get lost or delayed, your family or friends will know about it!

Also, ask a family member, friend, or neighbor to look in on your property. If you’ll be gone for more than a day or two, have someone pick up your mail and newspapers or have the post office hold your mail until your return. Residences with a large build-up of mail and papers are often the first targeted for burglaries.

3. Don’t Advertise Your Absence

Do NOT advertise on social media that you will be away. It’s ok to post pictures afterwards, but try to refrain while you’re gone as much as you want to take all those selfies on the beach! These days, burglars are looking more and more at social media to see if property owners have said anything about being away from home. Also, do not post “check ins” with GPS or your location revealed since you can easily be followed or located by these check in posts!

4. Protect Your Belongings

Keep your money and valuables hidden while you’re traveling. Also, don’t keep all your “eggs” in one basket. For example, keep some of your money in different locations, like different pockets or hidden deep within your purse or bag. Back pocket wallets are easy targets for pick pockets so keep your wallet in your front pocket at all times. When you stop for a meal or sight-seeing, do not leave your bag unattended by your feet of hung on the back of your chair.

Ultimately, taking trips is fun and making new memories is always worthwhile whether you’re traveling by yourself or with friends and family. As long as you are safe and are constantly aware of your surroundings, you can ensure you’ll have a great time without any risks!

Are you traveling anywhere new lately?