Radiation Preparedness: 22 Ways To Naturally Detox

radiation exposure

Prepping for a nuclear disaster can be an overwhelming and scary task. While the basics of survival remain the same despite the triggering incident, living through radiation exposure requires planning far beyond the standard food, clothing and shelter criteria.

Preppers concerned about a power grid down disaster also often express concern and prepare for possible radiation exposure. Should the power grid suddenly fail due to either a man-made or natural disaster, no one really knows how long, or even if, nuclear plant emergency cooling systems will work when the power has gone offline.

Are you fully prepared for a power grid down scenario?

Some Americans would be surprised to learn that a grand total of 32 states possess a power plant or are located across the border from a state that does. The number of nuclear waste disposal facilities situated around the United States is vast as well. The weather would likely be an important survival factor during a nuclear disaster. The strength and direction of the wind and storm forecast could cause radiation to spread well beyond the immediate 30-mile radius around a nuclear reactor.


The Fukushima nuclear plant meltdown in Japan in March 2011 illustrated quite well the broad reach such a disaster could pose. It took many months for the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) to admit that radioactive water was leaking from the Fukushima plant and into the ocean. Reports that radioactive rain and presence of radiation in the food chain was recorded as far away as California.

Hazardous radioactive elements that were released into both the air and the sea may have found their way into the bodies of fish, algae, crustaceans, and into the grass, eventually making it into the milk and beef from grazing cattle.

Radiation exposure causes cellular damage in the body by creating free radicals that cause a myriad of negative effects on overall health. Radiation poisoning can develop into multiple forms of cancer. Survivors of the Nagasaki and Hiroshima atomic bombs, which brought an end to World War II, who ate high levels of fruits and vegetables reportedly had a 13 percent lower chance of dying from cancer over the course of the following two decades.

The 20-year study found that the atomic bomb survivors who ate fruits and vegetables, particularly cruciferous vegetables, which contain sulfur, at least once per week, had greater protection from the radiation exposure.

My prepping partner and husband, Bobby, made sure that everyone in the family had iodine tablets in our purses or work bag and in the get-me-home bags in our vehicles. In addition to popping an iodine tablet after a nuclear disaster has occurred, there are a host of natural ways to prepare for a SHTF event. Adding the foods on the following list to our daily diet may help prevent radiation absorption. Eating naturally detoxing food after potential exposure to radiation may help rid the body of radiation more quickly. It is also important to take iodine pills as directed.

There are several types of iodine supplements: potassium iodine, Lugol’s and nascent. All of the supplements or pills have reportedly proven to successfully protect the thyroid and prevent radioactive substances from binding inside the body — in most incidences. Sea salt contains a significant level of iodine and is often touted as an excellent condiment and cooking ingredient to use daily to help protect the body from potential radiation exposure.

Top 22 foods that detox radiation from the body naturally

1. Green tea
2. Black tea
3. Indian, American, or Siberian ginseng
4. Seaweed
5. Kelp
6. Onions
7. Spirulina
8. Garlic
9. Chlorella
10. Apples or other fruits rich in pectin
11. Parsley
12. Wheatgrass
13. Ginger
14. Beets
15. Sauerkraut
16. Lemons
17. Leafy greens, especially kale
18. Coconut oil
19. Reishi mushroom
20. Horseradish
21. Avocado
22. Broccoli

After the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, the Swedish government conducted a research study into the radiation level of food and monitored the eating habits of those living in the region. The researchers found that the majority of animal-based food, including dairy, possessed higher levels of radiation than plant-based foods. The radiation may be absorbed more quickly into animal tissues and fat.

Plant-based foods, which are high in fiber, phytochemicals and antioxidants, may reduce the likelihood of cancer developing due to the radiation exposure. Cruciferous vegetables that are made of sulfur-containing antioxidants, such as kale, broccoli, and cabbage, have also been found to offer at least some level of protection against radiation exposure.

Fruits that are high in pectin have been found to decrease levels of Cs-137, a radioactive substance. A Russian study that focused on how dietary fiber can affect natural radiation detox found that beet root and lemon peel possessed “radio-protective properties.”

Chlorella is a type of single-celled green algae that contains extremely high levels of clorophyll. The algae has proven to successfully neutralize toxins in the body and is often used to treat mercury poisoning.

Many of us are exposed to radiation on a routine basis. Folks who have to walk through security screening devices, fly in an airplane, or undergo X-rays are all subjected to low levels of radiation exposure. While occasional exposure will dissipate from the body in a reasonable amount of time in most cases, repeated exposure could place you at higher risk of harm should a nuclear disaster occur.

The Spiderwort plant might help alert to radiation exposure. The dark purple plant’s leaves turn a distinctly pink color when exposed to radiation. Place some containers of Spiderwort around the home, particularly near doors and windows. Keep in mind that the plant is toxic to some wildlife and domestic pets.

Radiation exposure can also make the body far more susceptible to dehydration. If exposure may have occurred, drink more than the typically recommended eight glasses of water per day and monitor yourself for telltale signs of dehydration.

If you live within 100 miles of a nuclear plant and the power grid goes down, or a nuclear disaster of some type has occurred, immediately take steps to reduce your potential exposure. A natural body detox drink can quickly be made by mixing together equal parts of apple cider vinegar, water, and baking soda. For additional protection from radiation exposure, soak towels, rags or cut-up strips of sheets in an equal-parts mixture of baking soda and liquid dish soap and press into door jambs and windowsills.