Putting an emergency survival pack together

Emergency Survival KitEveryone should have an emergency supply pack (also know as a 72 hour kit) ready . Unfortunately, most households do not have an emergency supply pack, or they lack the essentials and needed items. It is not difficult to create kits, it should only take a few hours. Although everyone is different; here are five tips to put together emergency kits.

When putting together an emergency pack, it is crucial to stock it with unique needs in mind. For example, someone who is prone to headaches should stock more aspirin while someone who is prone to bleeding should pack a lot of gauze. A pack should contain essential supplies for your personal needs. Or if there is a woman who is pregnant in the home additional medical preparedness might be needed.

When putting survival packs together, you should not rely on technology or power.  For example, it would be prudent to put a compass in a survival kit as sometimes cell phones will not work. Remember, survival kits are a last resort to survive, so it should back up a lot of real world items.

When putting together a survival pack, it is vital to make it large enough, especially for anyone with a family. Survival kits, ideally, would have too much stuff rather than too little. A lot of people make the mistake of putting a survival kit together for one person, but they then become stranded as a family. A one person pack will not suffice for a family of four. Remember, a kit that is too large is better than one that lacks essential provisions which you will need in a disaster.

On the other hand, when creating an emergency bag, do not make it too large and heavy. Survival kits should be portable; otherwise it is not nearly as useful. When creating a kit, you should make it small enough that you can carry it in their backpack. A lot of times, you will need survival tools out in the wilderness, not just in a car. While making a portable emergency kit, it is crucial to pack all of the essential things such as flashlight, first aid kit, water purification tablets, waterproof matches etc.

When putting a survival pack together, it is crucial to consult anyone who will be using the pack. Is it for a business office, home or school for instance. When consulting others, it will be easy to determine what supplies may be missing. Also consider the situation you might be in for your region such as a snow storm, excessive heat, or flooding. Most individuals will have a unique need, whether they need a specific medication or food. When consulting with the whole group, a parent is going to take safety matters into their own hands and avoid a disaster.

When someone goes out into the wilderness they need to be prepared. They should put together enough food and water to last them a few days. Keep in mind, you cannot go without clean water for a long time, so naturally this should be one of the most vital things on the list. In reality, a disaster can strike anywhere, and everyone must be prepared. Unfortunately, most times a disaster is hard to predict, so it is pertinent that a person stock even the most basic things like water.


1 pings

    • Charlie Murray on March 19, 2013 at 5:39 am

    Great article. Very important.

  1. […] Like changing the batteries in your smoke detectors and getting your oil changed in your car, building an emergency kit is one of life’s requirements to keep your family […]

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