Prepping Like a Pirate Part 2: Hiding Your Survival Cache


So where do you hide your cache? Think about where you are on a regular basis and where it would be safe pretty consistently. Your hiding spot should be somewhere you’ll always be able to access, and it should be somewhere that isn’t going to change in a significant manner for a very long time.

Just like the old infomercial for the rotisserie oven, when it comes to a survival cache, you should ideally “set it and forget it,” meaning you should build your cache and hide it somewhere that you’ll be able to get to in an emergency, but you won’t be checking on it every day or even every month. Ideally, it should stay in place; unless there’s a good reason for it, you shouldn’t see your cache again until it’s needed.

Part two of the Prepping Like a Pirate series covers where to hide your cache and ways to make sure your cache is still there and in working order when the time comes to use it. I’ve collected some basic tips that could make the difference between your cache being there or not when it comes time to grab it and go.

*Prepping Like a Pirate is a 3-part series on creating and hiding your own survival cache. Each part will cover a specific topic about survival caches to get you started with building your own cache.


Choosing a Survival Cache Location

Guarantee Access – When it comes to hiding your cache, you don’t want to choose a random field to dig a hole and drop your cache into. It would be a shame to need your cache and find a shopping mall where the field used to be. Instead, think of places like established parks, forests, and other protected areas that, for the most part, won’t be changing anytime soon.

Think about what might happen in the months and years after you hide your cache, and plan accordingly. Protected land is great, but even that isn’t guaranteed. Steer clear of traveled trails and natural clearings, as these are prime spots for construction and changes to the environment.

Urban Environments – If you’re in an urban environment, this gets a little trickier. You want to hide your cache somewhere that you’ll be able to access but not be noticed. Abandoned buildings are great, but they tend to catch fire and be torn down, or be remodeled and used again. Any of these scenarios would separate you from your carefully created cache.

Watch for Flooding – Finally, you want to pay attention to the environment around your proposed cache location. Even if your cache is waterproof, you don’t want to keep it somewhere that’s prone to flooding. Water damage is always a concern, but the land can change dramatically during a flood, causing the area to look very different, or even washing your cache away forever. Worse yet, it might still be where you left it, but now it’s under 20 feet of water.

If you’re opening up your cache, that means things are pretty dire, so you don’t want to be searching unsuccessfully during an emergency.; you want it to be right where you left it and easy to grab.