Prepper Quiz: What kind of “Prepper” are you?

So, what kind of a “prepper” are you? From not one at all to ghilly suits for the whole family, our preparations for emergencies run the gamut. So let’s take a look and see where you fall. There are really not right and wrong answers, and I realize some categories, especially firearms, might be sensitive for some folks, that‘s why we have ranges of points. And like the title says, have a little fun with it.


Food: You stop by the donut shop for breakfast, go out for lunch, and either pick up takeout or get the ingredients for dinner on the way home. (0 points). You don’t really have storage per se, but plan a menu and get the supplies you need 1-4 times a month at the grocery store. You do have a few canned odds and ends in the cupboard. (1 point) Every time you shop, you pick up a few extra things. After doing this for a few years, you probably have 3 months or more of extra packaged and canned food on the shelf. (3 points). You have a food storage plan, 6 to 12 months of food tucked away, and some of it is long term storage. (4points) You have over a year of food, most of it is long term freeze-dried or dehydrated, not to mention several hundred gallons of fuel buried in a tank in the back yard. (5 points)

Survival Gear Checklist

Gear: What, me camp? I do have an umbrella in the car trunk. (0 points)A few years back, I bought a 72 hour kit, but only went through it once when I brought it home.  It’s around here somewhere. (1 point) I have a few emergency basics-a 72 hour kit that I rotate the food in, a tent and some warm blankets/bags, and it’s all in one place. If I had to, I could locate it and get the key items to the car in 15 minutes. (2 points) Everyone in the family has a grab-and-go kit, plus the main 72 hour kit. In addition, we have the equipment we need to be comfortable for at least a few weeks outside of our house. I also have emergency kits in each of our vehicles. (4 points) I have all my bugout supplies and equipment in a specific vehicle, ready to go at a moment’s notice.  The vehicle is one that we can live in if required. (5 points)

Skills for the future

Skills: Pfft. The government will take care of us. (0 points) We have conducted a family evacuation drill, and I can at least light a fire with a match and set up a tent. (2 points) Everyone in the family has at least basic camping skills, even if it’s mainly in the back yard. (3 points) We practice emergency and outdoor skills on a regular basis, and know how to improvise if required to in order to survive and be comfortable in just about any situation. (4 points) I’m a survivalist, and run around the woods with my buddies on weekends in camouflage conducting military drills. I’ll survive even if the rest of you don’t. (5 points)

5 firearm tips

Firearms: Don’t own a gun, wouldn’t know what to do with one. (0 points) Bought a gun and a box of shells, never used it. (1 point) Own a gun or two, and have extra ammunition. Have taught my family how to use it safely, take it/them out for practice at least a few times a year.  (2 points) Have several firearms and lots of ammunition, consider them an integral part of my emergency preparations.  (4 points) Have some weapons that I’m not sure if they are even legal. My friends consider me a “gun nut”, but just try and get my food when the whole system collapses. (5 points)


Shelter: It’s called the Holiday Inn. (0 points) There is a tube tent in that 72 hour kit I bought. (1 point) We have a tent or at least a large tarp that will keep my family dry, and we know how to erect it properly. (2 points) Instead of a tent, we bought a trailer/5th wheel/motor home as an emergency vehicle, and its fun to take camping as well. (3 points) They are putting in an underground bunker in my back yard as we speak, complete with generator and 2 months worth of water. (5 points)


Attitude: What, me worry? (0 points) I’m not worried, but just in case, have done a few things. (1 point) It’s probably a matter of when, not if, so I try to do whatever I can. (3 points) If it’s not a natural disaster, it will be either economic collapse or government tyranny. I’m as ready as any person can be. (5 points)

Okay, add them up. Here’s how to rate your emergency preparedness:

0-3 points. Hope you know how to say a prayer, because in an emergency, that’s all you will have to save you.

4-8 points. You have done a few things, and might just get lucky. But there are undoubtedly some holes in your preparation that you might want to evaluate.

9-18 points. You are a “common sense prepper”. Emergency preparation is important, but not the only thing in your life.  Good job, it’s never a bad idea to see where you could do better.

19-26 points.  Most people would consider you a hard core prepper.  Just keep rotating that food.

27-30 points. Preparation is a good thing, but don’t let it become an obsession. Relax and enjoy life every now and then!

Show your scores and thoughts with us in the comments below!

72 hour food supply kit for 2 adults 1 week food supply bucket 101 piece first aid kit L-1500 Solar Generator