The price of oil was slightly higher Monday, inching above $100 a barrel, as investors weighed escalating tensions in Ukraine against a fourth month of contraction in China’s manufacturing sector. By early afternoon in Europe, benchmark U.S. crude for June delivery was up 42 cents to $100.18 a barrel in electronic trading on the New …
Hillary Clinton: Gun culture ‘way out of balance’
WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton says the nation’s gun culture has gotten “way out of balance.” She tells a mental health conference that the U.S. needs to rein in the notion that “anybody can have a gun, anywhere, anytime.” The potential 2016 Democratic presidential candidate says the idea that anyone can have a gun …
Managing Your Emergency Water Supply
Water is an element essential for human survival, and during an emergency or disaster, clean drinking water may be scarce. Main water lines may be shut off during an incident or may be contaminated and therefore compromised. Prepare ahead of time by safely storing enough water for you and your family. When preparing your survival …
5 Survival Lessons to Learn From The Book of Eli
The Book of Eli takes place in a post-apocalyptic future in which gangs have taken over and the world is a seemingly endless wasteland. The images in The Book of Eli are very much akin to what many of us in the prepper community feel could really happen, so while there’s a lot of incongruities …
3 Ways to Navigate Without A Compass
People today are more reliant on technology to get from one place to another, but what happens when that GPS dies or worse yet, the satellites that drive the positioning technology stop working? We’ve talked about how to navigate with a map and compass, but what if your compass is broken or worse yet, you …
Urban Camouflage
Sometimes, being prepared means being able to move from where you are to where you want to be. Disasters and emergencies don’t always wait until you are safely home, and even if you are sheltering in place, you may need to move around-to obtain supplies or services, to render aid, or any number of reasons. …
Latest weather wallop: Florida, Alabama flooding
PENSACOLA BEACH, Fla. (AP) — In the latest blow from a dayslong chain of severe weather across the South and Midwest, the Florida Panhandle and Alabama Gulf Coast were hit with widespread flooding early Wednesday, with people stranded in cars and homes waiting for rescuers to find a way around impassable roads and others abandoning …
‘Star Wars: Episode VII’ cast unveiled
NEW YORK (AP) — “Star Wars: Episode VII” finally has its stars. May the Force be with them. After months of carefully guarded secrecy and endless Internet speculation, the cast of the latest incarnation of the space epic was unveiled Tuesday on the official “Star Wars” website by Lucasfilm and the Walt Disney Co. Starring …
Man dies of heart attack after botched execution
McALESTER, Okla. (AP) — An Oklahoma death row inmate writhed, clenched his teeth and appeared to struggle against the restraints holding him to a gurney before prison officials halted an execution in which the state was using a new drug combination for the first time. The man later died of a heart attack. Clayton Lockett, …