You might not realize it, but your home is actually loaded with hiding places! If wanting to hide various items around the house as part of your bug-out plan, review the following super -cool and innovative spots for keeping stuff hidden.: Fake Plant Maintain one or a few fake plants around the house and bury …
First Aid for Heat-Related Illnesses
With warmer weather fast approaching, it’s time to start thinking about ways to stay cool this summer. There are a variety of heat-related illnesses that can strike you and your loved ones. These illnesses are caused by prolonged or intense exposure to hot temperatures, typically occurring in the summer months. It’s important to remember that …
Prepping Like a Pirate Part 1: Survival Cache Basics
Pirates are rarely used as role models, and for good reason. They’re known for theft, murder, and all-around bad behavior, so how exactly can they be used to help you prep for a disaster? It’s not their love of rum or treasure that matters to the modern-day prepper, but rather it’s what they did with …
How to Survive a Drone Attack
Drones, or unmanned, remote-controlled flight vehicles, are proving to have many uses. In the past, they have been used mostly for military operations and intelligence gathering. However, we’re seeing more and more uses in everyday life. They can be used for everything from surveillance, scientific research, and rescue operations to food delivery, photography, and monitoring …
5 Knife Myths and the Truth Behind Them
Myth |ˈmith| (n) – A widely held but false belief or idea; a misrepresentation of the truth. The problem with myths is that they often come from people that seem to know what they’re talking about and are often intermixed with the truth. When talking about knives, it’s all too easy for us to accept …
5 Tips for Having a Successful Garden
Spring is a popular time to get outside after a long, cold winter. It’s harder to stay inside on a beautiful, sunny day. One of the ways that you can get outside in the nice weather is to plant a garden, and gardening has many benefits. By growing your own food, you can control what …
Coyotes & Bobcats: Small(er) Predator Encounter Tips
Coyotes and bobcats are among the smaller predators in our world, but that doesn’t mean they can’t rip you apart if they have the inclination. We’ve already discussed what to do should you encounter a cougar, bear, moose or shark, so let’s take a brief look at how to handle smaller predators without serious injury. …
3 Tips for Surviving a Knife Attack
The old saying goes, “Never bring a knife to a gun fight,” and while this is pretty solid advice, the odds of being attacked by a knife-wielding attacker in a survival situation is very realistic. When the SHTF, it’s a pretty safe bet that there will be more people out there with knives than with …
Fight Off a Home Invasion with These Tips
One of the scariest situations to find yourself in is being a victim of a home invasion. A home invasion is defined as an illegal, often forceful entry into a private dwelling with the intent to harm the occupants. Home invasions include the threat of violent crimes against homeowners including burglary, assault, murder, rape, or …
Bet You Never Thought Of Doing This With Your Coffee Filters
Did you know coffee filters are capable of much more than filtering coffee? That’s right! The stuff you use to make your morning brew offers a plethora of little-known uses, many of which are helpful in survival-esque situations. Let’s check out some of these many uses to help you strengthen your survival/homesteading skills. Window Cleaner …