Is Russia Preparing For World War 3?

Russian militaryRussian leader Vladimir Putin plans to make the Russian Army not only a military force to be reckoned with, but a dominate power on the world stage.

Is Russia preparing for World War 3? Vladimir Putin claims his nation will boast “military superiority” over the West until at least 2020. Putin is allegedly moving ahead with plans to enhance Russia’s nuclear arsenal despite recession prompted by decreasing oil prices and sanctions levied by the United States.

World War 3 theories and predictions have abounded in recent months, partly due to ongoing activities in Russia and Iran. Russian war planes were reportedly been spotted in increasing amounts over Europe near the end of 2014.
Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin

Russia’s top military general, Valery Gerasimov, recently said that Vladimir Putin’s army will receive more than 50 new nuclear missiles with intercontinental capabilities in 2014. A multi-billion military modernization plan is also reportedly underway in Moscow.

“Support for our strategic nuclear forces to ensure their high military capability combined with growth of the military potential of the general forces will assure that [the United States and NATO] do not gain military superiority over our country,” General Gerasimov said. “Western countries are actively using new forms of aggression, combining military as well as non-military means. Political, economic and information methods are also being used.”

The Russian Navy finally reportedly conducted a “series of successful test launches” of the Bulava recently. The Bulava is a new submarine-based intercontinental ballistic missile. The RUssian missile has reportedly proven its reliability after less than humble beginnings. The Russian Navy currently possesses two submarines equipped with the Bulava, and is preparing to purchase another such submarine next year, is reports about the activities concerning the Russian military are accurate. Putin also reportedly plans to add five more Bulava equipped subs to his fleet over the next five years.

Russian bombers.

Russian bombers.

Russian ground forces have reportedly been given a substantial number of Iskander missiles. The missiles are  reportedly capable of hitting enemy targets up to 310 miles away – with extremely accurate precision. Russian military officials claim that the Iskander  missiles, could be used to target NATO’s U.S.-led missile defense sites. The missiles are also reportedly either already equipped with or can be equipped with, a nuclear warhead. Conventional warheads can also be affixed to the Iskander missiles.

During the presidential debates between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, Romney said, “Russia is a geopolitical foe, and I said in the same and Iran is the greatest national security threat we face. Russia does continue to battle us in the U.N. time and time again. I have clear eyes on this. I’m not going to wear rose-colored glasses when it comes to Russia, or Mr. Putin.”

world war 3

Mitt Romney speaking at a political rally in southern Ohio – image via: Brea Miller Photography.

President Obama responded with, “The 80s are calling, they want their foreign policy back.” The recent movement and comments from Russia and Vladimir Putin, coupled with the alleged Russian spies caught on American soil, have caused many to ponder once again, the exchange between the two political rivals. Earlier this year, Mitt Romney announced that he would not be throwing his hat into the presidential ring a third time.

British officials recently complained to their Russian ambassador about tow long-range bombers which were spotted flying over the English Channel. British authorities reportedly “rerouted” the Russian planes.

“We plan to fulfill the government armament program and reach by 2020 the intended quantities of modern weapons systems,” Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said. The Russian military modernization project reportedly includes plans to “revamp” its weapons systems to ensure that at least 70 percent of weapons and equipment utilized by the armed forces are up to new modern technology and use standards.

The Russian Air Force  reportedly received at least 250 new planes and helicopters in 2014. Vladimir Putin reportedly plans to buy more  more than 200 planes and helicopters in 2015. Such acquisition have not reportedly occurred before in the history of the Soviet Union. Some of the Russian Air Force aircraft recently purchased inlcude Su-34 bombers, Su-35 fighter jets, and Mi-28 helicopter gunships -complete with “high-precision missiles” and modern electronics.

The Russian Army will also reportedly be getting new tanks in 2015. The modern new tanks will serve as models the Army expects to add to its fleet in the coming years.  The Armata model tank will be revealed to the Russian public during a Red Square parade in May. The Armata tank allegedly surpasses “all Western versions” of tanks because it possesses a remotely controlled cannon and “superior level of crew protection.”

Russian bombers were intercepted by NATO jets following a series of “unusual air activity” over the Baltic, North Sea, Atlantic and the Black Sea last fall. NATO planes were scrambled to “shadow” the Russian bombers flying over the Black Sea and the Atlantic, as well as Vladimir Putin’s fighter planes over the Baltic.

 The Russian fighters were reportedly a concern because the increase in activity was occurring while tensions still remained high in the region due to the ongoing unrest in the Ukraine. Although the Russian bombers did not violate international law or violate the air space of Portugal or any other nations, the number and types of the aircraft did cause concern. According to breaking reports on Fox News, NATO said the warplanes were capable of carrying nuclear weapons.

During the early morning hours in mid-October, 2014 four Tupolev Tu-95 strategic bombers flew over the Norwegian Sea. The bombers are reportedly the equivalent of 1950s US B-52 fighters. Norwegian F-16s tracked the formation of Russian warplanes until the group broke away from each other. Six fighters turned back toward Russia and two Tu-85s continued south and flew over the North Sea – where they were shadowed by British Typhoons. Later, Portuguese F-16s tracked the Russian warplanes to the Atlantic Ocean.

A NATO representative said, “These sizable Russian flights represent an unusual level of air activity over European air space.” The alliance spokesman also added that while no violation of air space occurred during Russian maneuvers this time, a week prior a Russian spy plane reportedly crossed inside the border of Estonia briefly.

Although the exact state of Russia’s nuclear capabilities is not known, military officials reportedly believe that the nation led by Vladimir Putin currently possesses 8,500 warheads – 1,000 more than the United States reportedly possesses.