Is It Time To Get Out Of The City?

get out of the city - skyline

It seems that with almost every passing day there is news of great concern. The U.S. monetary situation is among the top worries of many critical thinkers. Of course as many readers realize, there are numerous other scenarios that might materialize and create a situation that would make living in large congested cities untenable, and possibly deadly. And becoming engulfed in a last minute exodus from a major city is a sure formula for disaster.

So what can be done? Hoping for the best and continuing to live in a large congested city may be a losing gamble for you and your family in the event of some form of catastrophic social breakdown, regardless of causality.

A quick review of history reveals that people who were living in cities when disaster struck didn’t fare nearly as well as those people who were living in rural and country areas. And the people who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat the same mistakes.

If we are honest with ourselves, most of us sense that things are not improving as the mainstream political media professes. In fact, with some serious due diligence and research anyone can find the truth… things in the U.S. are getting worse on a daily basis, and accelerating at an unprecedented pace.

I guess the real question is; do you want to give yourself and your family a shot at weathering a social or supply chain collapse in the U.S.?  Living in the city and having guns and gold won’t do much for your odds of sustainable survival, contrary to what some people preach.  And trying to get out of the city at the last minute is a fool’s errand. However, the folks who are already living off-grid away from the cities do have a decent chance for sustainable survival through tough times.

I have written before on the options; own a boat and be prepared to quickly relocate to more favorable shores (I.E. firewall yourself and your family from chaos); or, move your household while you can to a location that is sufficiently distant from any large city to firewall you and your family from any potential chaos and threats that might ensue, while simultaneously providing enough space for effective food production, etc.

What distance provides adequate firewalling? The ‘ideal’ theoretical distance may be farther than what may end up working in reality. But in any event, the farther you are from the big cities, the better. Here is an article that considers ideal parameters:

Sure, it’s a sacrifice, I get it (been there, done that); you lose the conveniences that are available in the cities, and we all know what those are. Additionally, there are less jobs available in rural and country areas.

get out of the city - farm

So without a doubt, moving to the county is a tough decision and requires some sacrifice and creative solutions.

If you are interested in the timely relocation of yourself and your family, there are several serious questions that must be asked and answered:

  1. Which States are going to protect you and all of your Constitutional rights as long as possible?
  2. What States have the lowest population densities?
  3. What States have truly affordable land and homes?
  4. What States have favorable temperate climates that make survival with limited assets easier? (water, food production, fuel for heating, power, solar, wind, etc.).
  5. Which States let you keep more of your hard earned income, and what forms of income are available at the remote off-grid locations?

And if your due diligence provides you with answers for 1-5 above (as well as others), the remaining questions may be the hardest of all; how do you find a suitable piece of land or homestead? And, who can you trust to help you with that process?

The answers to the foregoing questions (1-5) present a matrix of desirability when it comes to finding a suitable retreat location, and the final result (solution) will be weighted proportionately by each of these answers.

Since the publication of my book ‘The Nautical Prepper’ (, I have fielded many inquiries from Preppers/Survivalists who love the concept, but for various reasons cannot put to sea in order to reach a more favorable distant shore. As I have written, Nautical Prepping is not for everyone.

So in response to the inquiries for alternative options, I have spent a considerable amount of time during the last 8 months looking into solid solutions that might provide alternatives to Nautical Prepping for these people and others. My approach was very pragmatic and objective driven, given that during my research, I had no vested interest whatsoever into any land-based survival paradigms.

72 hour food supply kit for 2 adults 1 week food supply bucket Jetboil ZIP stove ALICE military backpack medium

I am going to publish my findings and some of the answers to the questions posed herein (1-5) over the course of a series of two or three detailed articles; the first in this series starting this month (June).

Please make sure to tell your family and friends to check back here for the first of the series.

Cheers! Capt. Bill

Capt. William E. Simpson – USMM
Twitter:  @NauticalPrepper



    • Pamela Pettyjohn on June 28, 2014 at 8:19 pm

    I bought your book The Nautical Prepper and loved it. I am from Washington State (the Olympic Peninsula) but moved to upstate New York 2 years ago. Sold my sailboat :'( to move east. My idea of bugging out would be to jump in a sailboat and go but I am now inland. Looking forward to your thoughts on preparedness on land.

  1. Hello Pamela:

    Glad you liked the book! And thank you for the feedback. The next article in the series is titled ‘Reptiles & Radiation’ (you’ll understand why when you read it)… it should be posted at sometime soon… I hope you will it informative and helpful….

    Cheers! Capt. Bill

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