Introducing Your Kids to the Outdoors

kids campingFor parents who love the outdoors there can be nothing more frustrating than kids who want to spend all their time indoors. Parents need to understand, though, that the outdoors might be daunting or even frightening for kids. They may have had unpleasant experiences an early age like getting stung by a bee or bitten by a mosquito that keep them from playing outside.

The good news is that parents can introduce their kids to enjoyable outdoor activities to encourage their participation. Making sure that children are comfortable outdoors has many benefits for them as well others in the family. Kids who spend time outside are generally happier, smarter, and healthier. Plus, instilling a love for outdoors in children at a young age tends to carry over into adulthood.

Here are some ways to introduce your kids to the outdoors:

  • Get Them Started at an Early Age – As soon as they are able to walk, encourage your children to participate in outdoor family activities like nature walks and hiking. If your children need a break from walking, consider a using a child-carrier backpack instead of a stroller. When participating in outdoor activities, get equipment that they can use, and as they get older, they can start carrying a small pack.
  • Get Kids Involved in Age Appropriate Outdoor Activities – There are a wide variety of outdoor activities for kids at every age. Kids can enjoy nature walks, wildlife spotting, backyard camping, and outdoor games. Seasonal sports like basketball, soccer, and baseball are also great pursuits to get kids moving.
  • Get Children Involved in Making Decisions – Make sure your kids understand what will be expected of them when headed outdoors. Explain to them what the family will be doing and address any concerns they might have. It will also be helpful to involve your children in the decision-making process so that they feel they have choices. Ask your children what kinds of activities they want to do and be sure to talk about your trips well in advance.
  • Be Good Role Models – Kids who are excited about getting outdoors usually have parents who are active and enjoy outdoor recreation. The best way to encourage your children to be active outside is to be a good example and get excited about it yourself. The more you spend time participating in outdoor activities, the more your kids will want to do it with you.