Instafire is the Perfect Fire Starter

Instafire is the perfect fire starter. InstaFire is composed of recycled wood, inert minerals and shielded with a patented blend of paraffin which makes InstaFire inherently safe. It burns easily in wind and rain. Unlike similar products, Instafire does not contain any harmful chemicals or vapors so it burns green. It is lightweight and stores very well.  It is an excellent choice for emergency preparedness, camping or household use.

InstaFire Infographic


    • Myke Loftus on April 11, 2013 at 9:00 pm

    FYI: At our local Costco they are selling the same 4 lb (60 pouch) Inst-Fire for $49.99
    You might look on to see if it’s selling for the same price.

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