How to Survive a Bear Attack

how to survive a bear attackHow to Survive a Bear Attack. If you spend time out in the woods, chances are that you will run into wildlife. While most of these encounters are pleasant, some of them can turn deadly in an instant, especially in the case of bears. Bears are typically shy and try to avoid humans, but their behavior is unpredictable. Running into a bear can be fatal, especially in areas where bears have become accustomed to humans. However, there are measures you can take to prevent unwanted interactions with these animals, and knowing what to do in case a bear attacks could potentially save your life.

One of the most important steps in surviving an attack by a bear is to try to prevent a deadly encounter in the first place. Before you get out into the wilderness, know where you are going and if there is a chance of meeting a bear. It is also helpful to know which kinds of bears inhabit that area. If you are hiking, consider making loud noises by singing or talking to yourself or wearing bells on your clothes or trekking poles. This will reduce your chances of surprising a bear. Some people like to buy bear spray in case of an attack, although it is not one hundred percent effective. If you do purchase bear spray, make sure you can get to it easily.

It is also critical that you can identify different types of bears out in the wild. Grizzly bears, also known as brown bears, can weigh up to eight hundred pounds. They are distinguished by their short, round ears and the characteristic hump on their shoulders. Grizzlies are found in parts of the Pacific Northwest in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia. Black bears, on the other hand, are not as large as grizzlies. They weigh up to three hundred pounds, and they have taller ears and no hump on their shoulders. Black bears are not always black. Their fur can also be brown or cinnamon colored. Black bears can be found through North America and East Asia.

The type of bear you encounter will determine your response if it attacks. If you run into a grizzly bear, it is important to make yourself as non-threatening to it as possible. Try to walk away slowly and avoid direct eye contact with the bear. Even though you might feel panicked, do not run. Back off gradually. Try to make yourself smaller. If you have bear spray with you, get it out and be ready to use it. Stay together if you are in a group. If the grizzly does charge, lay on the ground like you are dead. Try to protect your head and stomach as much as possible. After the bear has left, wait a few more minutes to make sure it is out of the area.

On the other hand, if you encounter a black bear, make sure you are as aggressive as possible. Do not run but stand your ground. Try to make yourself as large as possible by putting your arms up and waving them. If there are large sticks nearby, pick one up and wave it at the bear. Do not be afraid to make as much commotion as possible by yelling at it. If the black bear does charge, fight back. Use sticks and rocks against it and try to hit the bear in sensitive areas like the nose. Keep in mind that climbing a tree is not an effective strategy. Above all, make sure the black bear is the first to stand down and leave.