How to Make Money in Your Neighborhood

ways to make moneyYou may not realize it, but there are plenty of side hustle opportunities all around you every day. You can easily take advantage of a few different ways to make money all without leaving your neighborhood. Or, if you’re looking to put your kid to work on the weekends or over school holidays, they too can use some of these ideas to make some money on the side. After all, it’s a great way to teach them about self-sufficiency and responsibility!

Outside Work

There are many different services you can offer to your neighbors when it comes to working outside.

The first thing many people think of is mowing lawns, but you could also offer to help neighbors with other yard work, like raking leaves or shoveling snow during the winter. Yard work can easily become a year-round side hustle. Most people think stereotypically of their elderly neighbors, but perhaps there is a new mother or a busy young professional in your neighborhood who lacks the time to keep up with their yard.

Another task you can complete outdoors is walking dogs. Many people work away from the home for long hours each day, and lots of people in the U.S. spoil their dogs (I know I do!)

So, if you have time on your hands, perhaps you can offer to give neighborhood dogs “potty breaks” throughout the day or take them on a nice long walk. Like I said, people are very attached to their pets, and it won’t take much convincing to get them to agree that their dogs deserve more attention and exercise while they are away each day. Plus you’ll get lots of exercise and fresh air too.

In the Home

During the long, cold winter there are often less outside tasks to be found, but people always need help in their homes. You could offer a cleaning service for an hourly rate, weekly or bi-weekly. Lots of busy families consider hiring someone to help with house cleaning tasks while they are away at work.

If you prefer organizing to cleaning, you can offer to help families in your neighborhood with cleaning out their garage, attic, or storage rooms and get them re-organized.  This type of service should be a hit right after the holidays when people are making their New Year’s resolutions or getting geared up for spring cleaning.

I used to edit papers for students, and I made some pretty good money doing it. You could offer an editing service or other tutoring to students in your neighborhood who might need help with their schoolwork.

Maybe the children in your neighborhood are too young to need a tutor; perhaps instead they need a babysitter from time to time. Busy parents need a break now and then and reliable babysitters can be hard to find. If you get your name out there and build a good reputation with the parents of your neighborhood children, you can easily have a steady evening or weekend babysitting clientele.

Ultimately, there are many, many ways to earn money without even having to leave your neighborhood; you just have to get out there, ask for work, and advertise your services.

Do you work in your own neighborhood?

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