How to Avoid Getting Sick While Traveling

Avoid getting sick while travelingExperienced travelers know that there is nothing worse than getting sick while away from the comforts of home. The problem is that traveling greatly increases your chances of getting sick whether it is from contaminated food or water or picking up a cold or flu from fellow travelers. Here are some tips to keep you healthy while traveling:

Take Care of Yourself – One of the best ways to avoid sickness is to take care of your body by staying hydrated, eating right, and getting enough sleep. Unfortunately, your travel plans might not be conducive to this at all. You might be facing long delays in airports, fast food meals, and contaminated water. Be proactive by resting when possible, bringing along healthy snacks like fruit and yogurt, and keeping yourself hydrated. You want your immune system in the best shape as possible while traveling.

Wash Your Hands – The importance of washing your hands cannot be overstated. Wash your hands with soap and clean water several times a day. It is critical to wash your hands after using the bathroom and especially before handling food. Airplane surfaces are notorious for germs so bring along hand sanitizer and/or sanitizing wipes to wipe down items like your seat, tray table, remote controls, and TV touch screens. Use a paper towel or tissues to touch public surfaces like bathroom door handles. Try to keep from touching your nose and while traveling

Manage Your Stress – Traveling itself can be stressful so be sure to plan plenty of down time into your trip. Extra stress leading up to the trip can lead to a weakened immune system which leaves you more vulnerable to illness. Keep yourself from running around at the last minute by preparing for the trip well in advance and block out dates on your calendar when you get back to recover.

Consider Taking Extra Supplements – It never hurts to pack supplements that help to boost your immunity like Vitamin C and Echinacea. If you take vitamin supplements on a regular basis, don’t forget to pack these as well.

Avoid Others Who are ill – No one likes to sit next to a person who is sick on an airplane. If that happens to you, ask a flight attendant for help or make different arrangements with the people around you. If you are worried about the air on a plane, consider wearing a nose mask. If you happen to get sick yourself before traveling, consider altering your plans and recovering before heading out.

Be Mindful of Your Food and Water Choices – To avoid severe stomach distress while traveling, choose bottled water that has been sealed in tamper-proof container. Pick restaurants that are clean and foods that have been freshly cooked. Choose food items that are shelled or have peels. Be cautious about food from street vendors.