How I Survived 3 Years of Living Overseas

Living OverseasI was lucky to live overseas for three years on a little island called Grenada in the Caribbean. It was a really unique experience, and I made some life long friends there. There were not a lot of luxuries in Grenada, and even simple ones like air conditioning came at a very high price. Still, I survived my time there and lived to tell the tale. Here’s how:

Being Open

The minute I decided to be open to other cultures and other ways of life, I started enjoying my time in Grenada more. Instead of trying to force my own ideas of how life should work, I instead embraced theirs. I wouldn’t get very far if I – for example – tried to make everyone drive on the right side of the road. It just wouldn’t work. Instead, the best thing to do is to learn how to drive on the left side and mesh with the culture that’s already in place. That’s an extreme example but I just mention it to illustrate how hard it is to impose your own belief systems on others who are not accustomed to it.


Another way I survived living on a tiny island was exploring it. It’s not often that you can say that you’ve seen just about everything there is to see in one country. I visited all the touristy sites, the vast majority of the beaches, and I even circumnavigated the island in a sailboat with a ton of friends. It was really fun to learn about and understand all the unique parts of the island. Exploring was a way for me to learn about a new culture and have fun at the same time. Any time you’re in a new place or a new country, I highly recommend you do the same!

Being Aware

Even though Grenada was a really safe island, I was constantly aware. I never let my guard down, even though there was not a lot of violent crime. I didn’t walk by myself at night, I rented a very safe apartment, and I locked my doors. I usually had my dog with me when roaming around my neighborhood, and I never got intoxicated in public. All of those things helped me to survive three years without being robbed or harassed. It also ensured that I kept my health and didn’t get myself into a dangerous situation. It’s always smart to keep your wits about you when you are in a foreign place, no matter how long you’re there or how comfortable you are with others.

Ultimately, you can comfortably, safely, and happily move to another country as long as you are willing to learn about the culture, explore a new place, and enjoy all of the unique experiences that only come with stepping outside of your comfort zone and enjoying your new surroundings.

Have you ever lived outside of the U.S.? If not, would you ever want to?
