GMO Grass Coming To A Backyard Near You


Genetically engineered grass is currently being developed by Scotts and Monsanto. The produce skirted by government testing mandates and could soon be contaminating an organic farm or public park near you.

The first variety of is GMO grass Scotts Roundup Ready Kentucky Bluegrass. The genetically modified grass was designed to withstand “massive amounts” of Roundup Ready herbicide manufactured by biotech giant Monsanto.

Both Monsanto and Scotts are touting their GMO grass as a healthy and wonderful new product. Many environmentalists, organic farmers, and ranchers who use only natural techniques when raising livestock, tend to vehemently disagree. Ecowatch aptly notes that the chemical herbicide is not regulated by any type of governmental entity and is not required to carry a GMO label. Since grass grows quickly and blows easily when cut, fears that GMO grass could spread and contaminate natural grass on private lawns, gardens, pastures, and parks where children play have been vehemently voiced.

Since Monsanto’s Roundup Ready kills every growing thing that has not been genetically engineered to withstand the chemicals, natural lawns and alfalfa growing to feed livestock, could be in jeopardy. Unless your neighbor proudly announces that he or she is sowing GMO grass, you will never know your property is in jeopardy.

genetically engineered grass

The Global Research grop had this to say about genetically modified grass:

“We already know that RoundUp ready crops have been linked via independent peer reviewed studies to inflammatory, genotoxic, neurotoxic, carcinogenic, and endocrine disrupting diseases, as well as infertility. RoundUp also chelates important minerals from the body, robbing you of your good health.Now, cattle will graze upon GMO Kentucky Bluegrass and people will ingest the RoundUp chemicals sprayed on the cow’s favorite meal.”

The GMO grass project began in 2011 when both Monsanto and Scotts were able to convince the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to essentially give biotech companies a free pass to market the Roundup Ready Kentucky Bluegrass genetically modified grass seed sans testing. The USDA determined that GMO grass did not pose any danger, so testing of the mass-market product were simply not necessary. “It’s a blatant end-run around regulatory oversight,” Center for Food Safety attorney George Kimbrell said.

The USDA governs GMO crops regulation under rules pertaining to plant pesticides. The authority was granted to the USDA during the 1950s in order to constrain the influx of organisms which could pose harm to crops and plants. Since GMO crops utilize DNA material stemming from natural plant pathogens, such products have officially been deemed “plant pests.”

Northeast Organic Farming Association representative had this to say about GMO grass:

“As these seeds spread and more and more grass takes up that genetic trait, we’ll find organic farmers who want to grass feed their beef, can’t do it because their grass is genetically modified, which is prohibited in organic standards. GMOs are pollution with a life of its own.”

Scotts appears to have been able to get around the USDA restrictions because the company opted not to use “plant pests” during the development of the Roundup Ready Kentucky Bluegrass. A glyphosate-resistant gene from other plants which are not considered pests by USDA guidelines were used instead.

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup Ready herbicide. Some environmental researchers have described the product as the “most biologically disruptive chemical” currently being imposed upon the land and the environment. Although there is no government-accepted study on the matter, some scientific researchers have also published reports indicating that glyphosate may be linked to a host of health disorders, including autism, cancer, and Parkinson’s disease. Studies have shown a connection between the use of glyphosate and birth defects in chicken embryos and frogs. A study about glyphosate in breastmilk facilitated by Moms Across America and Sustainable Pulse, is the first of its kind. The research team found “high” levels of glyphosate in 30 percent of breast milk samples tested.

The breast milk study, according to Sustainable Pulse, contradicts industry claims that glyphosate does not accumulate in human tissue. This initial breast milk testing indicates, according to the research team, that Monsanto and the nation’s regulatory bodies were wrong and that glyphosate is a possible health threat.

The USDA could have utilized the noxious weed provision under the Plant Protection Act of 2000 to test or stop the production of GMO grass, but chose not to, according to Ecowatch. The light pollen in Kentucky Bluegrass is reportedly known to travels for several miles on the wind. In theory, GMO grass could therefore transfer its GMO genes to naturally growing bluegrass and contaminate yards, fields, pastures, farms, and gardens, and the owners will never know they are potentially consuming GMO material when harvesting crops or when baling hay to feed livestock that will one day wind up on the dinner table.

The introduction to the GMO Lawn Engineered To Eat Copious Amounts Of Pesticides petition calling for a halt to the release of GMO grass petition is currently being circulated. The petition will reportedly be sent to Jim Hagedorn, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company, the CEOs of Lowe’s and Home Depot where the Scotts and Monsanto product is expected to be sold.

An excerpt from the genetically engineered grass petition reads:

“GMO Roundup Ready grass will result in a further increase in the use of Roundup, which will contaminate our groundwater and drinking water. Imagine your children & pets frolicking around in a sea of herbicidal poison. Because of inevitable contamination, the grass is likely to be eaten by grass grazing animals. There has been no toxicity testing and the potential harm to animals eating this GMO grass is unknown. Will we be saying good-bye to pasture raised meat? Lastly, it is a scientific fact that weeds will evolve to develop resistance to Roundup, leading to ever increasing amounts being applied.”

The invention of GMO grass could put organic farmers at risk of losing their certification. We may soon be living in a world where the only way to prevent GMO contamination is by growing crops indoors and keeping beehives secluded from their natural environment as well. Several studies have reportedly indicated that GMO grain may have a “hazardous impact on livestock health, especially on the well-being of beef cattle.

Do you think Monsanto and Scotts should be allowed to produce GMO grass without any testing?