Gimmicks, Scams, and Everything Else a Prepper Doesn’t Need


Preppers are a unique group of people. We see the benefit in spending money now for things that hopefully never get used. From food to weapons to vehicle upgrades, preppers know how to spend some serious money.

Since we’ve never been through an EOTWAWKI situation, it’s easy to fall for gimmicks and scams if you aren’t careful. Sadly there are more than a few people out there willing to take your want to be safe and prepared and use it as a way to get rich quick, leaving you without your hard earned money and worse yet, leaving you high and dry when an emergency strikes.

Check out the top gimmicks, scams, and junk that preppers just don’t need so you don’t waste your money and have it to spend on important supplies and necessities.

“Survival” Knives


When you were a kid you probably had one of those big “survival” knives that had the hollow handle that fit a small amount of survival gear into. Matches, a fishing hook, and a few other items would get jammed into the handle in case you needed them. On the surface these seem like a great idea, since you’re sure to have the items with you, but in a real survival situation, these are a terrible choice and a waste of money.

The hollow handles mean the knives are never full tang, making them weaker than other better knives. The hollow handle isn’t good for hitting and is more prone to breakage. Worst yet, if your survival items are in your knife and you lose your knife, you’re now without any supplies.

This goes for any all-in-one survival item. Be it an axe, knife, wild survival pack, or anything else that has too many features, these just aren’t worth your money. But quality tools for each item you need, and you’ll be farther ahead.

RELATED: How to Choose the Right Survival Knife

Website Scams


(Image courtesy of flickr)

The old saying goes “if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.” This rings truer than ever with the advent of the Internet and buying supplies online.

Make sure the site you’re buying from is reputable and that it sells quality tools and supplies. The last thing you want is to spend hundreds of dollars on emergency food supplies to find they’re cheap and not packed well when you get them. Do your research and avoid deals that look too good to be true, because they probably are.

Gold and Silver Scams


Speaking of too good to be true, one of the best ways to protect your money is to invest in silver and gold, and there are quite a few websites and dealers that have popped up to fill the demand for these precious metals.

Before looking into buying any gold or silver, you first need to familiarize yourself with the current going prices for both silver and gold. Knowing these can save you hundreds of dollars when buying from a website or a brick and mortar vendor. Knowing the current value will help keep the vendor fair and you with a little more of your money.

The other warning here is to be weary of dealers that seem shady. While the gold and silver trade is far from a Wal-Mart like experience, you should still feel safe and secure when doing business. If you have any trepidation, go somewhere else.

RELATED: 5 Tips to Help You Prepare for an Economic Collapse

Prepper Groups


It’s always a difficult decision to go it alone or join a team of preppers to cover all your bases and have a better chance at survival. You have OpSec to worry about as well as the simple fact that you could be betrayed when things get bad.

If you decide to join a prepper group, guard your secrets well and only share details with those you trust. If you feel unsafe with anyone in the group, leave it.

RELATED: OpSec: Who Should I Tell About my Prep?

How to Avoid a Scam


There are countless other types of scams out there, but the main fact that is in each one is that uneasy feeling. If something doesn’t feel right or if you’re unsure about a purchase or decision, don’t do it.

Your goal is to prepare yourself for disaster and every penny you have to spare will make a difference. Allowing a scammer or a gimmick to take that money will set you back and hurt your plans.

Ask questions, check references, and read reviews. If a website has no blog, no reviews, and amazing deals, there’s a good chance you could get a bad deal. If a local dealer seems like he’s fast-talking you, slow him down and ask questions. A truthful salesperson or company will answer as many questions as you have just like untrustworthy ones will get angry and defensive when you do the same.

Take your time and prep with the end in mind and you’ll steer clear of scammers and gimmicks. Don’t go for the quick deal, but instead aim for the long haul, you’ll be thankful in the long run that you did.

RELATED: When Frugality Means Freedom

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