Five Multi-Use Survival Items to Carry

get home bag multitoolIt is every outdoor adventurer’s dilemma: How can I carry the items I need to survive an emergency yet cut down on weight? Those who venture into the wilderness miles away from help must be prepared with the skills and tools to cope with survival situations. Yet, being far from civilization means that they must carry all the essentials on their backs, and extra weight makes things more difficult.

The answer to this problem is to invest in items that have more than one use. Knowing how to pack a survival kit with items that have multiple uses is key to adequately preparing and cutting down on pack weight. Here are five survival items that have multiple uses:

1. Knife – A good knife can be used for many different things that can come in handy for emergency situations. Practical uses include killing and cleaning game for food, making fire, splitting wood, cutting bandages and making strips of cloth, digging, making shelters and self-defense.
2. Multi-Tool – There are some uses that large survival knives are not made for, and for everything else, a multi-tool can come in handy. Some of the features multi-tools are equipped with include a small blade, scissors, a can opener, a bottle opener, a corkscrew, pliers and more. There are many different brands and types of multi-tools so be sure to hunt around for the one that fits your needs the best.
3. Garbage and/or Plastic Bags – Garbage bags and plastic bags can be used for just about anything you can think of. They are helpful for storing food, keeping clothes dry, collecting water, fashioning shelters, marking trails, keeping medical dressings dry, and collecting and disposing of human waste.
4. Duct Tape – Duct tape has a wide variety of wilderness uses. It is especially useful for first aid in securing a splint or being used as an emergency bandage. It can also be utilized to start fires, build shelters, and waterproof a tent or a backpack. You can use duct tape as a temporary repair for just about anything. Plus, you can use it as a tie or adhesive to fashion basic weapons. Duct tape is light and easy to carry. Easily wrap a portion of duct tape around a trekking pole or tent stake to take it with you.
5. Paracord – Survival bracelets made out of paracord are popular for good reason. In case of emergency, paracord has many different uses. Paracord is a sturdy material that holds up well under the strain of wilderness living. It can be used for making slings and splints, tying a tourniquet in the case of severe trauma, making shelters, hunting, and starting fires. No extra room is needed in a pack, as they are carried on the wrist.