Financial Survival: Tips to Save Money

Tips to Saving MoneySaving money can be difficult, especially in a down economy or if you have recently suffered the loss of an income. When you want to save money and increase the amount you have available to spend, there are various tips and tricks available to help. Saving money is possible by assessing your own situation and knowing all of the resources that you can utilize to your advantage, regardless of your income and the expenses you have.

Consider Your Financial Situation

Before you can begin saving the maximum amount of money possible, it is important to assess your current financial situation to help understand the expenses you have versus the income you generate each month. Knowing all of the details of your income will help you to effectively save money when you begin implementing new tactics to assist with cutting back on your costs.

Find a Bank That Works for You

Find a bank that works for you by eliminating monthly service fees and even ATM fees depending on the bank’s terms and conditions and your location. A bank that waives service fees and ATM fees will ultimately help you to save money over time with each use of your debit or credit card. I highly recommend you also consider using a credit union if you don’t already.

Customer Rewards

Sign up for customer rewards programs at locations you frequent and venues you enjoy shopping at regularly. Customer rewards programs can help you to drastically cut costs while giving you discounts and even free merchandise after you have earned enough points or spent enough money at a specific store.

Utilize Coupons

Utilizing coupons is a major factor when you want to save money on groceries, clothing and household items or necessities. Check local sales papers and combine coupons with online and merchandiser coupons for additional savings before you head out to shop. Making a list of the coupons you have available and organizing all of the coupons you plan to use in the future regularly will also help you to save money any time you are planning on making purchases.

Create Lists When Shopping

Before you head out to shop, create a list of what you need and the items that you may purchase depending on the overall cost. Ensuring you are only focusing on necessities will help to cut out unnecessary spending while giving you the ability to avoid impulse purchases.

Thrift Shopping

Consider visiting local thrift and resale shops when you want to purchase new clothing, household furniture or other accessories for the home. Many resale shops have clothing and other items in good or new condition at a fraction of the cost you would be required to pay when shopping in traditional stores.

Become Self-Aware of Services You Use

When you are not in your home or using cable services or other electronics, ensuring they are off and not in use will help to cut back on costs to save you money. Reduce your electricity usage and gas by staying self-aware of what you actually need at all times.

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Cheap By Choice: When Frugality Means Freedom

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  1. […] no one wants to think about the worst possible scenario. However, having enough money saved up for a disaster is just as important as making sure you have a first aid kid and an emergency […]

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