Emergency Preparedness: Inspiration From “The Walking Dead” TV Series

The Walking Dead TV SeriesThe 2nd half of “The Walking Dead” returns Sunday February 10th. As one of the more popular TV shows we thought we would do an article on some of the lessons we can learn from the show.

While getting prepared for any sort of emergency we tend to think of immediate needs like do I have enough food or water. But everyone has his or her own unique circumstances. That means you need to have your own custom preparedness plan.

If you’ve watched “The Walking Dead” since the beginning they have always been looking for food and shelter. You may have food available in your home… but what if you have to leave your home? Do you have the ability to take any of your food with you? Do you have the ability to transport water… or better yet a way to filter water so it is safe to drink?

What about shelter… a camping tent will work for a while… but most aren’t durable enough to last a significant amount of time. You may want to consider a canvas tent as they are more durable and will last you at least long enough to build more suitable shelter.

One item they haven’t discussed which I think is vital is seeds. If you are following the show you know that during season 3 they have holed up in a prison. The prison has a pretty large grassy area. But they haven’t yet taken the time to till the earth and plant crops. You may have a decent amount of food… but eventually it will run out no matter how much you have. Seeds are essential to your emergency preparedness plan so you can grow crops if they don’t become available again.

Some critical emergency items you may need:

Don’t be afraid to sit down with your family to create an emergency preparedness plan. Make sure you have a plan for where to meet up in case of any scenario. Whether it’s a zombie apocalypse, hurricane or a blizzard, having a plan is an easy way for everyone to know what to do. Make sure you include the particular items needed for you and your family in your emergency kits.

Let us know some lessons you’ve learned about getting prepared from “The Walking Dead”.

Here’s the trailer for the last half of season 3 of “The Walking Dead“. Enjoy!
