Emergency Preparedness for a Natural Disaster

Emergency Preparedness for natural disastersEmergency Preparedness. Being prepared for a natural disaster isn’t something that people always want to talk about, but it is something that everyone needs to think about. In the event of a natural disaster you should know exactly how to handle yourself and get through it in a calm and timely manner.

The first thing you should do is make a list of emergency items which you should have on hand if, and when a natural disaster should occur. You should also have specific items put away in a place that will be easily accessible to you in the event of a flood, hurricane, earthquake, or tornado. You’ll want to have a flashlight, extra batteries, a small radio (which operates on batteries), a first-aid kit, water supply, freeze-dried food, a blanket, and some light sticks, or flares. Always remember to check the expiration dates on your batteries and replace them when needed.

Many people are now building a shelter within their homes that will be a safe and secure place for them to seek refuge during a natural disaster. These are known as survival shelters. These shelters can be built in the basement of a home, as an added room, or even as a shelter separate from your home in your backyard. Wherever you decide to have it built, you should be sure that it is easy for you and your family to get to at a moments notice.When you decide to have a survival shelter built, you should seek out the help of a professional who knows how to build the shelter according to government standards. This structure should be secure so you will safely be able to take refuge and protect your family in the event of a natural disaster.

If you were in your home during an earthquake you should immediately drop to the ground, take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture and hold on to something until the shaking stops. Avoid all windows and anything made of glass. Do not exit your building until you are sure it is safe to be evacuated.

When the disaster is a tornado or severe thunderstorm you should stay indoors at all times. If it is just a small thunderstorm you may go outside 30 minutes after it has ended. A tornado, however is a different story. Seek out the lowest ground possible. Make sure the area is windowless, and easy for you to crouch down in, until the high winds and warnings have stopped.

For a hurricane, bring any of your outdoor furniture inside. Shut down your computers and unplug any sensitive equipment. Always be prepared to evacuate if you need to do so. Pay close attention to the TV and radio for up-to-date information.

If it’s an extreme heat warning then you should stay indoors and limit your sun exposure. Drink as many fluids as you can to stay hydrated. Eat smaller, lighter meals. Try to avoid drinking alcohol. Also avoid any strenuous activity until the waning is over. These simple steps will help you prepare for and survive any natural disaster that you may encounter.