Edible Insects

edible insectsEdible insects. While it’s doubtful any “taste like chicken,” they sure as heck do their part to keep you alive when marooned on a desert island, lost in the jungle, separated from your hiking partners…you get the idea. Check out a few of the numerous edible insects to chow down on if lost somewhere in the continental United States:

Crickets and Grasshoppers

A source of calcium as well as protein, crickets and grasshoppers offer the most nutritional value in their bodies, so pull off the wings and legs. Eat them raw or cooked.


Ants are best boiled in shallow pan, as they have a vinegar taste when consumed raw. Avoid the bite-y ones, such as fire ants, and scoop a hill using a container to gather the most insects possible. The trick is finding a way to remove the dirt!

June Bugs

A type of beetle, smaller June bugs make a tasty treat when grilled or cooked over a roaring fire. Slow-moving and easy to catch, look for these insects on plants in the late evening or during the day under plants and forest floor debris.


The larvae form of moths and butterflies, caterpillars are a very nutritious insect thanks to high amounts of protein and vitamin B. They also contain iron. Avoid the brightly-colored ones, as they’re usually toxic.


Arguably one of the yuckier insects on this list, centipedes are typically found under logs and large rocks. Cut away the head and pinchers before eating, and don’t confuse centipedes with smaller millipedes, as the latter is poisonous.

Additional Tips

As previously mentioned, avoid brightly-colored insects, such as those featuring red, yellow and orange hues. Black, brown and green insects are best for eating! Also avoid insects with strong odors, and insects in urban areas, as they might have been sprayed with pesticides.

These are just some of the many edible insects in the world! Others include lacewings, bees, termites, stoneflies, mayflies, dragonflies and many more.

Have you ever eaten insects? Share you experience in the comments section!