DIY Herbal Vinegar

Herbal VinegarDo you enjoy making your own salad dressings and are interested in delving into the world of herbal vinegars? Are you simply wanting to add to your knowledge that’s filed away under “cooking”? Then check out how to make delicious, so-good-for-you herbal vinegars:


To create an herbal vinegar, you need a quality vinegar with an acidity of 5% or greater. Acceptable options include raw apple cider vinegar, red or white wine vinegar, rice wine vinegar, and white vinegar. You’ll also require a few clean glass bottles with caps, fresh-cut herbs of your choosing, and a plastic measuring spoon and funnel.

Do not use metal spoons and other metal objects to make your vinegar, and avoid using herbs that will make the vinegar cloudy. Recommended herbs include rosemary, garlic, dill, basil, thyme, parsley, sage, and spearmint.

Making the Vinegar

Place all of your chosen herbs in a clean glass bottle. Heat the vinegar for about 10 minutes and pour it over the herbs. Place the cap over the bottle and ensure it’s tightly sealed.

Shake the vinegar gently twice daily for four to seven days, and strain it. Pour it into clean glass jars, add sprigs of the main herbs you’re using if desired, and cap them.

Additional Tips

Keep herbal vinegars out of direct sunlight to avoid fading. Add hot pepper to make spicy blends, and use the vinegar to create oil and vinegar yumminess.

Do you make your own herbal vinegars? Share your tips in the comments section!