Category: Recent Articles

Recipe: How to Make a Sweet & Simple Salsa

Summer is here – finally! I just moved to New Jersey, and even though I was wearing a light jacket today, I can tell that the weather is getting warmer. It’s definitely not the Caribbean, where I lived for three years, but it’s my new home and I am adjusting to it pretty well considering …

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15 Items to Start Your Food Prep Off Right – Number 6 is Vital

So, you want to start building your emergency food storage to prepare for whatever disaster may come, but the task seems insurmountable. You’ve probably seen posts that tell you the proper caloric intake and base foods to build a good diet, but those don’t tell you exactly what you should be saving, do they? Sometimes …

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Happy Summer-It’s getting hot out there!

Except for our friends in the Southern Hemisphere, we are coming into that time of year that we were all looking forward to since January. The sun is warm on our faces, and we can enjoy being outside, having fun on the golf course or trout stream or doing whatever we enjoy doing. But enjoying …

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Setting Up a Camp Kitchen

With summer just around the corner, many of us will be heading outdoors for camping trips. In general, when we refer to camping, it usually means car camping. Car camping is when we pack our necessary gear in our vehicles, drive to the camp site, and basically live out of our cars for the duration …

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The Basics of Building a Prepper Team

  Obstacles can seem insurmountable when we’re tackling them alone, but together—they turn into exciting challenges. -Spencer West We’ve talked about who you should include in your prepping, and more often than not the answer is nobody; that OpSec is more important than talking to friends or family about your prep, which can lead to …

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How I Survived 3 Years of Living Overseas

I was lucky to live overseas for three years on a little island called Grenada in the Caribbean. It was a really unique experience, and I made some life long friends there. There were not a lot of luxuries in Grenada, and even simple ones like air conditioning came at a very high price. Still, …

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10 Old Tools the End of the World Will Make Useful Again, Especially Number 6

I remember the first time I was allowed to use power tools and what a difference it made in my ability to fix and build just about everything. Instead of the old hand saw I could use a circular saw or a sawzall to get the job done. We’ve all grown pretty reliant on power …

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Survival skills you can have fun practicing

Hunker down folks, Armageddon is coming!  Howling hurricanes, terrible tornados, devastating earthquakes, not to mention the collapse of civilization if the Democrats (or Republicans, depending on your political bent) win the next election.  Meanwhile, you are just trying to get through to your next paycheck, worrying about how fast the mileage is stacking up on …

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How to Get Started as a Prepper

The fact of the matter is that anyone can be a prepper. The word prep is an action verb that simply means to prepare. You might be wondering what you should be preparing for. Well, there are all kinds of natural disasters and emergency situations that could happen in your area. No one is immune …

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Tornado Warning Signs

Tornadoes are destructive forces of nature that can strike with little warning and that can devastate homes, businesses, and anything else in their path. A tornado is a funnel-shaped whirling vortex of rotating winds appearing beneath a large storm system, touching the ground. Most of the time, tornadoes develop from thunderstorms, specifically when warm air …

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