Category: Recent Articles

Edible Insects

Edible insects. While it’s doubtful any “taste like chicken,” they sure as heck do their part to keep you alive when marooned on a desert island, lost in the jungle, separated from your hiking partners…you get the idea. Check out a few of the numerous edible insects to chow down on if lost somewhere in …

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Preparing for a Short Term SHTF

By Lukas Nicholson: I worked my way through college as a fire fighter with the Forest Service. It was a dream job for me, for I worked outdoors and made good money during fire season. I learned a lot about fire behavior and its devastating effects on what is termed the ‘urban interface,’ where human …

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Is the US Economy Getting Better?

Ever since the economic downturn began in December 2007, everyone has been more concerned than ever with the strength of the US economy. Never before has the economy been such a focus of conversation. From newscasts to beauty shop gossip, it seems the state of the US economy is a topic that everyone is interested …

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The Romance and Reality of Wilderness Survival

By Emily H. Surviving the wild is not what like TV shows Survivor and Lost may seem to look like: no reward challenges, no immunity, and most of the time there’s no conspiracy involved. In real life, many bad things can happen in the wilderness as it’s a hostile environment and things can easily go …

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4 Safety Items that Will Fit in Your Pocket

I’m the type of person who loves to feel safe all the time. Here are examples of tiny little safety items that can fit in your pocket. Just put them in there and feel secure knowing you have a little bit of defense on your side! 1.    Keys Keys are something that most people carry …

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Are Prepper Groups a Good Idea?

At its core, prepping is all about self-reliance. It’s about learning the skills you need to survive and gathering the right supplies to weather anything the world can throw at you. Sure, being self-reliant is the ultimate goal, but the reality of the situation is that everything goes a little easier with some help. The …

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How to Baby Proof Your Home

If you’ve recently had a baby (or babies like me!) it won’t be long before the little bean(s) will be crawling around your home and getting into things, like cabinets, cupboards, and trouble! So, it’s important to be sure that you and your home are ready to safely be explored. The best way to see …

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Unhappy campers and what it means for Emergency Preparation

  When I lived in Southern California years ago, I would often take the “Cajon Pass” out of the LA Basin onto the desert. For me, it was the start of one of two trips: Either to see my in-laws in Utah, or heading for the eastern side of the Sierra Nevada mountains for an …

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Convert Your ‘Pavement Queen’ RV Into A Mean Off-Road Prepper Machine Part Two WATER SUPPLY

Convert Your ‘Pavement Queen’ RV Into A Mean Off-Road Prepper Machine By: William E. Simpson © 2014 All Rights Reserved  Part Two  WATER SUPPLY    It’s a big mistake to just assume that the water coming-out of a tap or hose is suitable for you, your family and friends to drink! Not everyone realizes how …

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The 5 Best Concealed Carry Guns to Keep You Safe

Carrying a concealed firearm with you at all times is one of the most important parts of an everyday carry setup, and also one of the hardest to get just right. From gun size to caliber to clip capacity, there’s a lot to choosing a concealed carry handgun. Lucky for you we narrowed down the …

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